RPi_CaffeQuery copied to clipboard
Caffe query framework for the Raspberry Pi
#Install requirements for python and query CNN code
sudo apt-get install python python-pycurl python-lxml python-pip
sudo pip install grab
sudo apt-get install apache2
mkdir -p /dev/shm/images
sudo ln -s /dev/shm/images /var/www/images
Then you must forward your router from port 5005 to port 80 on the Pi
run test.sh
#How does this work
First we use raspistill to take an image and save it to memory as /dev/shm/images/test.jpg. Since this is symlinked in /var/www, we should be able to see it at http://YOUR-EXTERNAL-IP:5005/images/test.jpg.
Then we use grab to qull up the Caffe demo framework with our image and get the classification results. This is done in queryCNN.py which gets the results.
##The output of ./test.sh should look something like this:
pi@raspberrypi ~/CaffeCNNQuery $ ./test.sh
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