RPiVideoLooper copied to clipboard
I cant make the border go black, seams like the xterm hack is not working on my side?
Hi, could it be an issue with the screen resolution you're using? I found that it works better on some screens than on others. I've edited /boot/config.txt to set the native screen size as a first step.
Then check out the omxplayer options, and edit startvideos.sh
Sometimes problems playing 4:3 DV material can be solved by removing the -r ("adjust framerate/resolution to video)(this would leave the shell visible, so also set background to black using -b) So that would be: $ /usr/bin/omxplayer -b -o hdmi "$FILES${vids[$current]}"
Alternatively use the --win $/usr/bin/omxplayer --win "0 0 1279 1023" -o hdmi "$FILES${vids[$current]}" describing the native screen size you set in /boot/config.txt, mentioned above.