Steve Elliott
Steve Elliott
There is a problem with the `--no_cksum` option. It turns out that this only turns off checking of the TCP checksum. Wierdly this has been fine up to now. I...
Your wireshark screenshot shows what looks like a good decrypt. What version (and OS) are you using there?
Looks like the SSL session you have recorded is using a fairly new extension (extension 23: Extended Master Secret), as defined in RFC 7627 (dated Sept 2015) I have managed...
You may be able to use options to turn off this feature. It looks like openssl does not support this option yet, but will in version 1.1 (currently in beta...
If you make the latest pcap available I'll take a look when I get a chance.
I have the file. If you run with `-t 16757` it will get the second stream. By default it will process the first stream on port 3389. This is a...
I have added error handling in main. All code in libfree_rdp is the original library, and as such has not really been changed (with the exception of gleeda fixing some...
The core library (libfreerdp) is in C and does not support error handling. There are some elements of C++ that I'm using (for stream reassembly and SSL processing), so it's...
Hi. Sorry for the delay - this is not on my list of priorities. Answer to Q1: This tool was developed on Ubuntu 14.04. I have not tested it on...
I had a quick go with docker, and had success with this Dockerfile ```docker FROM ubuntu:14.04 ENV LANG en_GB.UTF-8 ENV XTERM_LOCALE en_GB.UTF-8 ENV LC_COLLATE C RUN apt-get update RUN apt-get...