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Custom blacklist for Excess Inventory
Request from user genera90
When using Inventory Excess Loot Transfer and Blacklist at the same time, I find that the Blacklisted item in my inventory still get transferred to the destination. I blacklist the item because I want to manually collect + keep the specific item on me. Is there a way this can be done? Something like blacklist take priority before transfer.
My response
Regular autoloot blacklisting does not work for items in the Excess Inventory context. You need to set up an Excess Inventory blacklist collection. Follow the example that is built-in under Smart Harvest SE\SKSE\Plugins\SHSE.ExcessInventory.Sticky.json Don't edit the builtin. You should create a new file called Smart Harvest SE\SKSE\Plugins\SHSE.ExcessInventory.MyItems.json or similar. Note that only the MyItems part can be customized, the rest is a required file matchingpattern. I hope to completely redo how blacklist/whitelist work to use ImGui at some point, though not any time soon tbh. At that time, implementing a more intuitive way to blacklist for Excess Inventory would be in scope.
and after their initial attempt
I created a new .json file as suggested, copied-pasted the contents from the original, and unsure what to do next (sorry!), so I tried adding the object like this:
These are the only lines I edited, by adding the object baseId (57080C0A) to the "form"s "form": [ "00000813", "00000818", "00000819", "0000081A", "0000081D", "57080C0A" ] "form": [ "00005E42", "0000690C", "0000690D", "0000895B", "0000895F", "57080C0A" ]
but the item in my inventory still gets transferred.
Requested mod log and their JSON to help with this