SmartHarvestSE copied to clipboard
CTD around "Lost to the Ages" quest
Nexus report from inire
I had a crash issue outside Bthalft southeast of Ivarstead while running the "Lost to the Ages" quest.
I can pause looting items from containers and approach the door fine. But when I turn on container pickup, it crashes constantly.
The lines that are common between these crashes are
[ 3] 0x02CE208E7E36 SmartHarvestSE.dll+00A7E36 test bl, bl | I:\GitHub\SmartHarvestSE\src\VM\papyrus.cpp:530 ?ActivateItem@papyrus@@YA_NPEAUStaticFunctionTag@RE@@PEAVTESObjectREFR@3@1_NH@Z
[ 4] 0x02CE208F2C58 SmartHarvestSE.dll+00B2C58 mov rbx, [rbp+0x50] | I:\GitHub\SmartHarvestSE\build_deps\commonlibsse-src\include\RE\N\NativeFunction.h:107 ?MarshallAndDispatch@?$NativeFunction@$0A@$A6A_NPEAUStaticFunctionTag@RE@@PEAVTESObjectREFR@2@1_NH@Z_NPEAU12@PEAV32@PEAV32@_NH@BSScript@RE@@UEBA_NAEAVVariable@23@AEAVVirtualMachine@Internal@23@I0AEBVStackFrame@23@@Z Pastebin here
Just retested on an earlier save, before I was on "lost to the ages" and was able to run the area no problem.
I suspect it's either the two bandits that spawn there (unlikely?) or the weird pedestal for lost to the ages that you cannot touch until you talk to the ghost but IS lootable during that quest.