BlazorInputFile copied to clipboard
How to upload multiple files on form submit?
First of all, thanks for your effort on this component.
I'm trying to upload multiple files on a form submit to Azure blob storage. Everything works perfectly if only one file is submitted but more than one causes this error:
Microsoft.JSInterop.JSException: There is no file with ID 1. The file list may have changed Error: There is no file with ID 1. The file list may have changed at getFileById (https://localhost:5010/_content/BlazorInputFile/inputfile.js:116:19)
However I can see for sure that all files exist as they should in the list with the correct ids.
Here is my handle change and onsubmit:
`private void HandleChangeSelected(IFileListEntry[] files) { FileValidationMessage = string.Empty;
IFileListEntry file = files.FirstOrDefault();
if (UploadIsValid(file))
private async Task HandleValidSubmitAsync()
await AdvertService.CreateAdvertAsync(Advert);
foreach (IFileListEntry file in Files)
await FileService.UploadImageAsync(file, Advert.Id, Vendor.Id);
The error is thrown reading on the ReadAllAsync() method. Any ideas?
ok, for me, this turned out to be something silly, I was getting this error because InputFile tag was inside an if statement when a property of IFileListEntry[] had a zero count, and when it was greater than zero it was effectively destroying the InputFile tag and thus the file input elements. I moved the InputFile tag outside the if statement and it worked.
Did you ever manage to find the root cause, @bdfin ?
Did you ever manage to find the root cause, @bdfin ?
No I ended up using a different soloution. This has actually been brought into the standard Blazor edit form components now so I'm wondering if it was fixed before release? Not sure though as I haven't tested.
I have this very bad solution where i load all file to byte[] and then upload on submit. How achieve scenario where use select couple files one by one and the upload them un submit?
private List<byte[]> _addedFiles = new List<byte[]>();
private async Task SingleUpload(InputFileChangeEventArgs arg)
long maxFileSize = 1024 * 1024 * 15;//15MB
var data = arg.File.OpenReadStream(maxFileSize);
using var memoryString = new MemoryStream();
await data.CopyToAsync(memoryString);