Jun Gao
Jun Gao
Hi @zhu-yuefeng, any updates on this issue? do you have further questions? or it's good to close this?
Hi, The output from `compute_lfd_feat_multiprocess.py` should be the calculated lfd features. In [this line of code ](https://github.com/nv-tlabs/GET3D/blob/6fda9cd15ab78e88db3ba00766df489a3ce88b41/evaluation_scripts/compute_lfd_feat/lfd_me.py#L106), it will call a compiled lib `3DAlignment` to calculate the feature an save...
Hi @iszihan, I guess this is related to the version of pytorch, are you using pytorch 1.9.0? You can also try the fix from Stylegan3 [codebase](https://github.com/NVlabs/stylegan3/commit/407db86e6fe432540a22515310188288687858fa) if you're using higher...
Hi @iszihan @Bathsheba, any followups about this issue?
Hi @roywang91, Thanks for your interest in our work! As mentioned in this issue #20 , we haven't released this part of the code yet, if you urgently need that...
Hi @AymanMIbrahim, It seems the error means there's no dataset, can you provide me with your training command? so I can check more on the path to the images and...
Hi @song-wensong, I guess you might need to append one more directory name for the `--data`, a correct command is something like this: `--data=RENDER/img/03790512 --camera_path=RENDER/camera`
Hi @EadmondDai, From the error message you posted, it seems the model has been killed due to the lack of resources, what's your training platform? (e.g. the GPU/CPU, their memory...
Hi @Siziff , any further questions regarding this issue?
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