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Does op2_geom support INCLUDEs?

Open Czarified opened this issue 6 months ago • 6 comments

Hello again! I'm revisiting some shear and moment interrogations on a model. I was able to get some great results using the GUI and see exactly what I expect. Now, I'm trying to automate it so I don't have to manually write the csv for each loadcase.

I tested this code out with a toy model of a cantilevered fake wing box, and the BWB from your example, and it worked great. However, when I try with my real model, I'm getting some input errors that I suspect relate to the usage of op2_geom.read_op2_geom(). The only difference I see between my toy model and my real model (that I unfortunately cannot share) is that my real bdf has a bunch of INCLUDE statements.

So, does the read_op2_geom function support this? Below is my code and the error I'm getting.

import sys
from pathlib import Path
from IPython.display import Latex

import numpy as np
from matplotlib import __version__ as plotver
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import pyNastran
from pyNastran.bdf.bdf_interface import include_file
from pyNastran.bdf.bdf import BDF, read_bdf, CORD2R
from pyNastran.op2.op2 import OP2, read_op2
from pyNastran.op2.op2_geom import read_op2_geom, attach_op2_results_to_bdf
from pyNastran.bdf.mesh_utils.cut_model_by_plane import get_element_centroids, get_stations
from pyNastran.op2.tables.ogf_gridPointForces.smt import smt_setup, plot_smt
from pyNastran.utils.nastran_utils import run_nastran
 Python version: 3.10.11 (tags/v3.10.11:7d4cc5a, Apr  5 2023, 00:38:17) [MSC v.1929 64 bit (AMD64)]
  Numpy version: 1.23.2
 pyNastran version: 1.4.1
Matplotlib version: 3.5.3
model = read_op2_geom(
    validate=True, xref=False,
) # No errors here. Model reads just fine and has elements, nodes, and grid_point_forces as expected.
gpforce = model.grid_point_forces[2101201]
(nids, nid_cd, xyz_cid0, icd_transform, 
 eids, element_centroids_cid0) = smt_setup(model) # <-- This is where we error out
TypeError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
Input In [20], in <cell line: 3>()
      1 gpforce = model.grid_point_forces[2101201]
      2 (nids, nid_cd, xyz_cid0, icd_transform, 
----> 3  eids, element_centroids_cid0) = smt_setup(model)

File ~\.venv\base\lib\site-packages\pyNastran\op2\tables\ogf_gridPointForces\, in smt_setup(model)
    213 def smt_setup(model: BDF) -> tuple[NDArrayNint, NDArrayN2int, NDArrayN3float,
    214                                    dict[int, NDArrayNint], NDArrayNint, NDArrayN3float]:
    215     nids, nid_cd, icd_transform, xyz_cid0 = get_nid_cd_xyz_cid0(model)
--> 216     eids, element_centroids_cid0 = get_element_centroids(model, fdtype='float64')
    217     return nids, nid_cd, xyz_cid0, icd_transform, eids, element_centroids_cid0

File ~\.venv\base\lib\site-packages\pyNastran\bdf\mesh_utils\, in get_element_centroids(model, idtype, fdtype)
     65         centroid = np.zeros(3)
     66     else:
---> 67         centroid = elem.Centroid()
     68     element_centroids_cid0_list.append(centroid)
     70 eids = np.array(eids_list, dtype=idtype)

File ~\.venv\base\lib\site-packages\pyNastran\bdf\cards\elements\, in CBUSH.Centroid(self)
    417 def Centroid(self):
    418     xyzs_list = []
--> 419     for nid in self.nodes_ref:
    420         if nid is None:
    421             continue

TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable

My bdf_stats() look correct, but the above seems to indicate that I don't have centroidal data for the element definitions.

bdf.nodes: 80386
  GRID     : 80386

bdf.coords: 23
  CORD2C   : 11
  CORD2R   : 12

bdf.elements: 93904
  CBAR     : 11059
  CBEAM    : 110
  CBUSH    : 3790
  CQUAD4   : 78233
  CTRIA3   : 712

bdf.rigid_elements: 95
  RBE2     : 95
  RBE3     : 106 123
  PBARL    : 1
  PBEAM    : 1
  PBUSH    : 17
  PSHELL   : 104

bdf.masses: 52
  CONM2    : 52

bdf.materials: 17
  MAT1     : 9
  MAT2     : 8

bdf.MATT1: 9
  MATT1    : 9

bdf.tables_m: 10
  TABLEM1  : 10

Czarified avatar Aug 26 '24 19:08 Czarified