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A dump of some of the NASA developed code from the COSMIC archive
A dump of some of the NASA developed code from the COSMIC archive
NASA was one of the first labs to share the code developed internally; it was done through a web portal called COSMIC at the University of Georgia. COSMIC was closed down in 1998, but a set of boxed CD-ROMs from the long-gone Pacific Hi-Tech with a more or less complete set of source code directories was found. It contains mainly fortran 77 codes, some of which may be of interest to engineers. Packages were obtained "as is" by Pacific Hi-Tech, and it seems that they were distributed as public domain after payment of copying costs.
This project was originally hosted on Google Code, but was moved to github after the shutdown was announced. This fork is simply a continuation of that data. I do have information for person who originally uploaded the data if someone would like to make contact.
I'm not sure on the state of the code, but I wouldn't be surprised if it doesn't all build. It'd be neat to get it working on an up-to-date compiler.
The license on Google Code was listed as GPL v2, but given it was public domain, I think it should still be public domain. Still, if you have commits that could/should be incorporated, feel free to submit them.
Code | Name | Description |
lar-12004 | AEROELASTIC DIVERGENCE | Aeroelastic Divergence Characteristics of Unguided, Slender Body, Multi-Stage Launch Vehicles |
lar-11602 | AEROELASTIC EFFECTS | University of Kansas Static Aeroelastic Program |
lew-14128 | AESOP | Interactive Design of Linear Quadratic Regulators and Kalman Filters |
lar-12203 | AIPP | Atmospheric Interaction Plume Program |
arc-11132 | AIRCRAFT MOTIONS | Analysis of Aircraft Motions from Air Traffic Control Radar Records |
arc-11282 | AIRCRAFT TRAJECTORIES | Optimal Aircraft Trajectories for Specified Range |
lew-14000 | ANDUCT | Velocity Gradient Method for Calculating Velocities in an Axisym-Metric Annular Duct |
arc-11087 | AOFA | Three-dimensional Supersonic Viscous Flow |
msc-20816 | ARIES | Aircraft Rollout Iterative Energy Simulation |
lew-13910 | BLADE3D | Three-Dimensional, Inviscid, Rotational Flows With Shock Waves in Axial Compressor Blade Rows |
lar-13514 | CARE3MENU | A Care III User Friendly Interface |
lew-13854 | CAS2D | Nonrotating Blade-To-Blade, Steady, Potential Transonic Cascade Flow Analysis Code |
hqn-10517 | CIRCUIT ANALYSIS | Sneak Circuit Analysis for Locating Wire Segments on Schematic Drawings |
msc-21467 | CLIPS | C Language Integrated Production System for Developing Expert Systems |
msc-20522 | COLDARC | Dissociated Air Flow Effects During Plasma Arc Testing |
lar-12598 | COMBUSTION FLOW FIELDS | Viscous Characterictics Analysis of Combustion Flow Fields |
mfs-14683 | COMPRESSIBLE FLOW | Solving Compressible Flow Problems Using Electrical Analogy |
mfs-27153 | COMPSIZE | Preliminary Design Method for Fiber Reinforced Composite Structures |
arc-11441 | CONTOUR PLOTS | A General Algorithm for the Construction of Contour Plots |
lew-14366 | CONVECTIVE DEPOSITION | Multicomponent Convective Deposition Rates |
lar-13239 | COREL & W12SC3 | Two Programs for Supersonic Wing Design and Analysis |
npo-17557 | CROSSER | Cumulative Binomial Programs |
npo-17555 | CUMBIN | Cumulative Binomial Programs |
lar-10872 | DIGITAL CONTOURING | Generalized Digital Contouring Program |
msc-20982 | DIGITAL FILTER DESIGN | Compare Digital Filters by Minimizing Sum Square Error |
gsc-13016 | EGRAM | Echelle Spectrograph Design Aid |
msc-01119 | EQUILIBRIUM COMPOSITION | Multiphase Chemical Equilibrium Composition |
lar-11596 | EXHAUST FLOW FIELDS | Analysis of Three-Dimensional Supersonic Nozzle Exhaust Flow Fields |
msc-20908 | EXPERT SYSTEM EXECUTIVE | Expert System Executive for Automated Real-Time Monitoring |
npo-17030 | FAST POLYNOMIAL TRANSFORM | A Fast Polynomial Transform Program With a Modularized Structure |
lew-13978 | FIN HEAT TRANSFER | Solution of Radiation and Convection Fin Heat Transfer Problems |
lar-11198 | FLOW IN SHOCK LAYER | Determination of Flow Field in a Nonequilibrium Shock Layer |
lar-12548 | FLOWCHARTER | A Universal Structured Design Diagrammer |
lew-14418 | FLUID | Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Fluids |
mfs-15148 | FLUID FLOW IN PIPE | Thermal Analysis Of Fluid Flow In A Pipe With a Variable External Thermal Environment |
arc-11676 | FPT | Fortran Programming Tools for the DEC VAX |
gsc-13006 | FSD | Flexible Spacecraft Dynamics |
msc-11774 | GAS PERFORMANCE | Axisymmetric Two-Phase Perfect Gas Performance |
msc-19658 | GAS STORAGE SIMULATION | High Pressure Gas Storage System Blowdown and Charging Models |
lew-11629 | GASP | Thermodynamic and Transport Properties of Helium, Methane, Neon, Nitrogen, Carbon Monoxide, Carbon Dioxide, Oxygen and Argon |
msc-20306 | GENERAL FLOW DISTRIBUTION | General Flow Distribution Program for Hydraulic Systems |
gsc-12823 | GENOPTICS | A General Optical Systems Evaluation Program |
arc-11379 | GRAPE | Two-Dimensional Grids About Airfoils and Other Shapes by the Use of Poisson's Equation |
gsc-11512 | GREMEX | Goddard Research and Engineering Management Exercise Simulation System |
lew-13818 | GRID3O | Fast Generation of Multilevel Three-Dimensional Boundary-Conforming O-Type Computational Grids |
lar-11891 | HIGH SPEED FLOW | Super/Hypersonic Inviscid Flow Around Real Configurations |
arc-11712 | IBASE | A General Purpose Imagery Database System |
mfs-25367 | IMAGE PROCESSING ROUTINES | Evaluation of Registration, Compression and Classification Algorithms |
gsc-12998 | INCA | Interactive Controls Analysis |
npo-16583 | IPEG | Improved Price Estimation Guidelines |
lar-12524 | KERNEL FUNCTION METHOD | A Steady And Oscillatory Kernel Function Method For Interfering Surfaces In Subsonic, Transonic and Supersonic Flow |
npo-16001 | LCP | Lifetime Cost and Performance Model for Distributed Photovoltaic Systems |
npo-17443 | LONGLIB | A Graphics Library |
npo-16358 | LOOK | A Text File Display Program |
lar-10658 | MARS RELAY | Fast Mars Relay Communication Link |
lar-12454 | MASPROP | Calculation of Mass Properties of a Rigid Structure |
lew-14380 | MISER2 | Mistuning Effects on Turbofan Cascades |
lar-10932 | MISLIFT | Aerodynamic Lift on Wing-Body Combinations at Small Angles of Attack in Supersonic Flow |
gsc-12705 | MONITOR | Monte Carlo Investigation of Trajectory Operations and Requirements |
npo-17129 | NASA ARCH | A File Archival System for the Dec VAX |
gsc-12902 | NASDS | Nastran/Discos/Samsan Dmap Bridging Program |
gsc-12833 | NASTRAN NASTPLT | Plotting Post Processor |
gsc-12846 | NBOD2 | Program to Derive and Solve Equations of Motion for Coupled N-Body Systems |
msc-20996 | NEQHTCAT | Laminar Nonequilibrium Aeroheating |
npo-16809 | NETWORK TOPOLOGY DESIGN | Optimal Network Topology Design for the Space Station Information System Network |
npo-17556 | NEWTONP | Cumulative Binomial Programs |
lar-12962 | NOZZLE FLOW | Three Dimensional Navier-Stokes Equations for Flow Over Nonaxisymmetric Nozzle Configurations |
lew-00240 | NOZZLE MATERIALS | Analytical Comparisons Of Ablative Nozzle Materials |
lar-12299 | NSEG | A Segmented Mission Analysis Program For Low and High Speed Aircraft |
gsc-12925 | OAP | Office Automation Pilot Graphics Database System |
npo-17093 | OPTICAL LENS REFORMATTER | Optical Lens Prescription Data Reformatter |
lar-12940 | OPTIM | A Vertical Profile Which Minimizes Aircraft Fuel Burn or Direct Operating Cost |
lar-12953 | ORACLS | Optimal Regulator Algorithms for the Control of Linear Systems |
npo-16671 | ORBSIM | Estimating Geophysical Model Parameters From Planetary Gravity |
ksc-11293 | OWL-1200 | Video Terminal Emulator for the IBM Personal Computer |
lar-13183 | PAFAC | Plastic and Failure Analysis of Composites |
gsc-12801 | PILOT | Parameterized Investigation of Launch Opportunities and Trajectories |
arc-11725 | PITEST | Multiple Precision Arithmetic |
lew-10482 | PLOT3D | Drawing Three Dimensional Surfaces |
ksc-11312 | PRESSURE SURGES | Estimating Pressure Surges in Cryogenic Liquid-Vapor Systems |
npo-17297 | PROCSCAN | Monitoring the Execution of a VAX Image |
msc-14016 | PROPULSION SYSTEM | Evaluation of Design Parameters and Size of a Low Pressure Auxiliary Propulsion System |
msc-18978 | PSANAL | Composite Point Stress Analysis |
lar-13671 | PUSHBUTTON EDITOR | Programmable Display Pushbutton Legend Editor |
gsc-13083 | QUIKVIS | Celestial Target Availability Information |
lar-13694 | RATIONAL SPLINE ROUTINES | Rational Spline Subroutines for Adjustment of Tension Parameters |
lew-11744 | ROTOR BLADE DESIGN | Design of Two-Dimensional Supersonic Turbine Rotor Blades With Boundary-Layer Correction |
arc-11150 | ROTORCRAFT ANALYSIS | Aeroelastic Analysis for Rotorcraft in Flight or in a Wind Tunnel |
npo-17298 | SCANEXE | Examining The Subroutine Structure Of A Vax Image |
mfs-28207 | SCAT | System Commonality Analysis Tool |
npo-16606 | SERVICES FINANCIAL REPORT | Lmss Services Financial Report Program for Comparing Alternative Designs |
npo-16937 | SIMRAND I | Simulation of Research and Development Projects |
gsc-13121 | SOAR | Software for Optical Archive and Retrieval |
msc-18558 | SOLAR ARRAY | Orbiting Solar Array Simulation Model |
lar-13276 | SOPAD | Separation of Overlapping Peaks and Analysis of Derivatives |
npo-16855 | SOSPAC | Solar Space Power Analysis Code |
npo-17182 | SPAM | Spectral Analysis Manager |
msc-13914 | SSSP | Space Shuttle Synthesis Program |
npo-16965 | STAR | A Simple Tool for Automated Reasoning Supporting Hybrid Applications of Artificial Intelligence |
lew-10743 | TANDEM BLADE TURBOMACHINE | Velocities and Streamlines on a Blade-To-Blade Stream Surface of a Tandem Blade Turbomachine |
mfs-18410 | TAP | Thermal Analyzer Program |
npo-16876 | TAPECERT | A Tape Certification Utility for Dec Vax/Vms Computers |
npo-17299 | TEXVIEW | Production of Viewgraphs With Tex |
msc-18616 | THERMAL PROTECTION SYSTEM | TPS Multidimensional Heat Conduction Program |
gsc-12535 | TRAJEC | Numerical Tracing of Electron Trajectories |
lar-12381 | TRANSIENT DIFFUSION | Numerical Analyses For Treating Diffusion In Single-, Two-, and Three-Phase Binary Alloy Systems |
lar-11049 | TRANSIENT RESPONSE | Transient Response of Ablating Axisymmetric Bodies Including the Effects of Shape Change |
lar-12057 | TRANSIENT THERMAL RESPONSE | One-Dimensional Numerical Analysis of the Transient Thermal Response of Multilayer Insulative Systems |
lar-13086 | TRANSPORT AIRCRAFT ANALYSIS | Takeoff and Landing Performance Capabilities of Transport Category Aircraft |
arc-11433 | VASCOMP II | V/STOL Aircraft Sizing and Performance |
arc-10616 | VASP | Variable Dimension Automatic Synthesis Program |
msc-21275 | VMACO | Variable Metric Algorithm for Constrained Optimization |
lar-10199 | WING FLUTTER | Modified Strip Analysis Method for Predicting Wing Flutter at Subsonic to Hypersonic Speeds |
npo-17300 | ZED | A Line Editor for the Dec VAX |