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你好,请问Deep_Sort的 .t7权重文件能转TensorRT么
我在 Xavier NX上,tiny-yolov3能跑 30~40 FPS,但是加上DeepSort只有接近10FPS了,想咨询下,deepSort需要转成TensorRT吗
@Water2style Have you sucessfully run tiny_yolov3+DeepSort on Xavier NX? I am having problems with that.
@Water2style Have you sucessfully run tiny_yolov3+DeepSort on Xavier NX? I am having problems with that.
yes,what is the problem
@Water2style What about the speed?
@Water2style What about the speed?
slow ,with deepsort is amlost 10FPS
@Water2style That's the problem. Do you have any suggestions about a tracker that can run in real-time with Yolov3?
我在 Xavier NX上,tiny-yolov3能跑 30~40 FPS,但是加上DeepSort只有接近10FPS了,想咨询下,deepSort需要转成TensorRT吗
@Water2style deepSort需要转成TensorRT吗