mmdetection_visualize copied to clipboard
visualize training result for mmdetection 訓練文件可視化, PR curve绘制, F1-score计算
# Welcome update to OpenMMLab 2.0 I am Vansin, the technical operator of OpenMMLab. In September of last year, we announced the release of OpenMMLab 2.0 at the World Artificial...
您好,您这写的很好,我已验证可以运行。 可以请教对测试结果如何评估,我测试出来只有AP 值,请问如何绘制PR 曲线呢?谢谢您
i've put the .py files in the right place, and running the following command "python tools/voc_eval_visualize.pymytrain/nasfpn/result.pkl mytrain/nasfpn/ ". IIt reports an error “ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'mmdet.core.evaluation.mean_ap_visualize'”
我已经把那两个.py文件放到了正确的位置上,运行第一个脚本没有问题,在output文件夹,找到了生成的png文件,但是运行第二个文件用了下面这条命令```python tools/ result.pkl configs/pascal_voc/ ```,然后报了下面的错误。和我当前正在训练模型有关系吗? /home/linux412/anaconda3/envs/mmlab/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numpy/core/ invalid value encountered in double_scalars ret = ret.dtype.type(ret / rcount) posx and posy should be finite values posx and posy should be finite values...
作者您好,我在mmdetectionV2上使用的时候,报错posx and posy should be finite values。您知道改怎么修改吗?感谢。
hello ! when i use the voc_eval_visualize,it occurs this ploblem!could you tell me how to solve this problem?thank you very much!