### Aim The have well structured pages - H1 then H2, then H3 etc. consistent, sensible structure. Intuitive for the user to anticipate and navigate. - landmarks, regions etc that...
Font often affects readability. In A11y terms, some users will have preferred fonts which they find easier to read and have them set up as defaults in their own browser....
**User stories** As a user of the sitemaps, I can browse all publicly available pages from the sitemap of a Janeway site (journal/press/preprints) as if I was using the standard...
Exisiting Captcha is not accessible. Accessible Captcha is a requirement of the WCAG. Discussion to move to hCaptcha, which has accessibility options. As part of that move, these need to...
Under WCAG 2.2 CAPTCHA should have a text description of what they are for, and an accessible alternative.
Alt text needed for journal logo images. 
### Background Cross referencing, and returning back to the original position having followed up on a cross reference are important for the readability of articles. This needs to work better....
From #4194, Sample 3 item 46 regarding the Clean theme using iOS Safari and voiceover : > popup for citation doesn't disappear when focus shifts outside. For example, opening citation,...
Icons are not being handled accessibly. Icons are non-text content as per [WCAG 1.1.1.]( The key technique is [H86]( They must also be semantically identified, as per [ARIA24 Technique]( Most...
# The Problem - Descriptive links are required for accessibility (see BirkbeckCTP/hourglass#338) - Citation styles, initially developed for print, often include the full URL rather than a descriptive link. There...