yes, but does the command "which msm" finds the path of your msm?
then I get: Running version of MSM does not match config /Users/neurolab/opt/anaconda3/lib/python3.7/site-packages/ciftify/data/hcp_config/MSMSulcStrainFinalconf
okay now it works. I think I forgot to put the exec files together with the .cc files from MSM
sure. Get this version MSM_HOCR-3.0FSL and the compiled ones and put them in one folder.
I can also send you the compiled ones if you it doesnt work
@mharms yes this could work as well!
gives me all the information: type: MGH dimensions: 256 x 256 x 256 voxel sizes: 1.000000, 1.000000, 1.000000 type: UCHAR (0) fov: 256.000 dof: 0 xstart: -128.0, xend: 128.0 ystart:...
Dear all, I am running the ciftify_recon_all command on a MBP 2019 with Catalina. It works, when I type in the command (in my terminal) for every subject such as:...
It is still the same.
mhh it still comes up the same error. I would need the fmriprep version 20.2.1 but an older ciftify version because the command cortexLeft.agg_data() does not work in the latest...