Hi, I just wanted to ask if there have been any updates in fmriprep to make it compatible with the FastSurfer outputs. Best,
Yes, this would be absolutely great and speed up amazingly the whole process!
Thanks a lot for your reply. That error looks different: ------------------------------- RUNNING ICA-AROMA ------------------------------- --------------- 'ICA-based Automatic Removal Of Motion Artifacts' --------------- Step 1) MELODIC Step 2) Automatic classification of...
or because I set the criteria to -dim 20?
without the command it works: ------------------------------- RUNNING ICA-AROMA ------------------------------- --------------- 'ICA-based Automatic Removal Of Motion Artifacts' --------------- Step 1) MELODIC Step 2) Automatic classification of the components - registering the...
But I am still having the error from above: runs for about 5 seconds and then brings up this error (available memory 64GB and same command runs fine for other...
The input data looks fine. And running directly with melodic works.
How would I provide the output directory to AROMA? for ((i = 1; i < 2; i++));for ((ses = 1; ses < 8; ses++)); python2.7 /Users/neurolab/Desktop/Stephan/Programmes/ICA-AROMA-master/ -in /Users/neurolab/Desktop/Drmed/CART_Code_rearranged_concat_prep/derivatives/participant/fmriprep/sub-${i}/ses-${ses}/func/sub-${i}_ses-${ses}_task-rest_run-3_space-MNI152NLin2009cAsym_desc-preproc_bold_skipped_5_smoothed_6.nii.gz -out /Users/neurolab/Desktop/Drmed/CART_Code_rearranged_concat_prep/derivatives/participant/fmriprep/sub-${i}/ses-${ses}/func/sub-1_ses-1_task-rest_run-3_space-MNI152NLin2009cAsym_desc-preproc_bold_skipped_5_smoothed_6.ica...
ah, great. Could not find that command in the manual. Coming back to my post above: ...Found 49 head motion-related components in a total of 51 components.. means only 2...
running ICA-AROMA after melodic gives the following error: ------------------------------- RUNNING ICA-AROMA ------------------------------- --------------- 'ICA-based Automatic Removal Of Motion Artifacts' --------------- Step 1) MELODIC - The existing/specified MELODIC directory will be...