On the Az Module there is with a similar error message.
I downgraded to `Az.Accounts` below 2 (1.9.5) and I am able to load both modules. A downgrade of `PartnerCenter` did not help.
I think it is possible that issue #335 is caused by the same underlaying Problem
There is already a docker account for mbmd and I think having vzlogger also there would be nice. Currently the dockerbuild does not run tests, see Without...
I just took the make command from the I tested a docker build with tests. It works, but the runtime grow to 54 mins ( Should we run the...
Nur noch armd64 und armv6 ohne Test reduziert die build time auf 15 min: Welche builds für vzlogger sinnvoll und was zu viel ist, kann ich nicht gut bewerten....
Okay, so a GitHub action that on runs on a push on the master branch and then builds without tests and publish to docker hub. Which platforms should be build...
The I will go with armv6 and amd64. Adding a platform if someone has a use case is easy. I had serval pi installation where I installed so many things,...
So here the github action, that only runs on master
Yes, it runs, see The pr did build not build the docker images. This now runs only on master branch