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Various Dockerfiles for Windows Containers

Results 11 dockerfiles-windows issues
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Hi, Please suggest which Dockerfile to use for a C++ application. Regards

@StefanScherer we need help on creating windows docker image to capture the packets inside windows container. following tools are required inside the image to apply as sidecar container to capture...

The README for busybox is out of date. Recent versions support https in ```wget``` and symbolic links with ```ls -l```. Indeed, with appropriate permissions creation of symlinks is now supported....

Is there a new approved way of getting `docker.exe` into a Windows container now that the DockerToolbox repository is deprecated?

I am having a similar issue to: [](url) This is the error message: ``` Step 4/4 : RUN powershell -Command iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('')); choco feature disable --name showDownloadProgress ---> Running...

I'm not sure if this is supposed to work or not, and if not, why. I have a functioning registry (thank you so much for that!) and I build and...

Hi, Is Ruby still not working with nano server 2019? It would be really interesting if we can have a nano server version of it.

Hi, as this is mentioned in the current documentation by Microsoft it would be nice to have this also working with newer host servers. I tryed it on Windows Server...

hi, I came across this repo today. Would you be interested in including a kubectl image? I did not find a windows image with kubectl included and had to build...

Bumps [ejs]( from 2.6.1 to 3.1.10. Release notes Sourced from ejs's releases. v3.1.10 Version 3.1.10 v3.1.9 Version 3.1.9 v3.1.8 Version 3.1.8 v3.1.7 Version 3.1.7 v3.1.6 Version 3.1.6 v3.1.5 Version 3.1.5...
