Results 83 comments of Stefan M.

I am not sure with that. But I guess you need your own customer code to realize that. It's not simply possibly by creating a new layout and then let's...

Thanks for this @ories !! If you drop your second commit I would approve and merge it 🚀 .

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Can you please post a screenshot which have changed exactly? Thanks

I don't really get the point here. All tests are green **even without your changes** beside of `sendToView_withView_beforeInRunningState_executesAction_without_executor`. Which means (more or less) ```java attachView(view) { sendToView(view -> view.something()); }...

> I provided a failing test No. Not really. It is obviously that this test will fail. Because the `TiPresenter#setUiThreadExecutor` works "hand in hand" with the `TiActivityDelegate`. The test don't...

Excluding everything (`keep class androidx.** { *; }`) of shrinking/obfuscating sounds a little bit aggressive to me... 🤔

There are other repository available than jcenter and maven central only 😁. What about jitpack? On Thu, Feb 4, 2021, 12:41 PM Graham Borland wrote: > I'm sure you're...

> In TiPresenter.onAttachView() the view of the presenter might still be null. How can this happen? 🤔 > So calling TiPresenter.getViewOrThrow() would throw an exception during runtime. Why should someone...

What do you mean with exactly? Test of the sample app? 😯