Stef Heyenrath

Results 115 issues of Stef Heyenrath

Can you please update the source from your demo project to reflect the demo on azurewebsites? The Groups and Nested pages are missing from the source code here.

Code: ``` c# var stream= File.OpenRead("c:\\temp\\A4.pdf"); var image = XImage.FromStream(() => stream); ``` --> ``` Unhandled exception. SixLabors.ImageSharp.UnknownImageFormatException: Image cannot be loaded. Available decoders: - TGA : TgaDecoder - BMP...


This original code: ``` c# public async ValueTask GetVideoWatchPageAsync( VideoId videoId, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) { // .... } ``` Is called via: ``` c# var result = await Dynamic.InvokeMember(_controller,...

## Actual Behavior Currently I'm using the code as: ``` c# public void Register() { ISubscriptionClient client = _factory.Create(); var messageHandlerOptions = new MessageHandlerOptions(ExceptionReceivedHandler) { MaxConcurrentCalls = 1, AutoComplete =...


These two methods: ``` c# public virtual Task BeforeMessageSend(Message message); public virtual Task AfterMessageReceive(Message message); ``` are **Async** methods, so should they be postfixed by `Async` like? ``` c# public...

breaking change

When running **WhatDoIHave()**, I get this output: ``` ======================================================================================== PluginType Namespace Lifecycle Description Name -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ProfileMapper Mappers Singleton Mappers.ProfileMapper (Default) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ProfileMapper Mappers Singleton Mappers.ProfileMapper (Default) ``` I've already build...

Currently it's possible to set an empty message like: `` Can you please add this to the example page ?

### Problem description When using C# to create a resource group, I got this error: > could not make instance of 'azure:storage/account:Account': name 'stef-storage-pulumi' plus 8 random chars is longer...


When I have a file with 0 bytes (`.nojekyll`) in below screenshot: ![image]( This fails with this error: > error: Error creating Blob ".nojekyll" (Container "$web" / Account "blazorhandlebarsa3c1ecf9"): Error...