Ultimate-Mapchooser copied to clipboard
CS:S Mapchoose by max_rounds
when selecting max_rounds, plugin error says:
[umc-endvote.smx] Unable to create end of map vote time-trigger, trigger time already passed. [umc-endvote.smx] End of map vote will appear after 17 more rounds.
Is it difficult to simply program the option in the umc-endvote.sp times extend from the .sp file? Then the error would be gone and it would help many people who use max_rounds in their games? so :
new Handle:cvar_extend_time = INVALID_HANDLE; this, and this = cvar_extend_time = CreateConVar( "sm_umc_endvote_extend_timestep", "15", "Specifies how many more minutes each extension adds to the time limit.", 0, true, 1.0 );
I don't know much about it, but maybe someone kindly can do it?
Many Thanks