backstage-plugin-github icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
backstage-plugin-github copied to clipboard

A plugin to showcase Recent Pull Requests and Actions pipeline relevant to the user at the homepage in Backstage Enterprise.

GitHub Homepage Cards for Backstage Enterprise

To know more about the plugin, read this blog.


Before you can start using the GitHub cards, you must set up a GitHub provider.

You can follow this documentation which will guide you through the process of setting up the GitHub provider for your Backstage instance.

Now in the below steps, I will assume you are already done with the provider.

Integration Steps

  1. First Install the GitHub cards plugin by running this command from the root of the package.
yarn add –cwd packages/app @statusneo/backstage-plugin-github
  1. add this to the app/src/apis.ts
  import { githubApiRef, GithubClient as StatusNeoGithubClient } from '@statusneo/backstage-plugin-github';

  // ...
    api: githubApiRef,
    deps: { authApi: githubAuthApiRef, fetchApi: fetchApiRef, configApi: configApiRef },
    factory(deps) {
      return new StatusNeoGithubClient(deps);
  // ...
  1. Import GithubPullRequestsCard, and GithubActionsCard from the installed package.

  2. You can then use these components at the backstage frontend wherever you need.

import { GithubPullRequestsCard, GithubActionsCard } from '@statusneo/backstage-plugin-github';

// ...
              <Grid item xs={12} md={6}>
                <GithubActionsCard />
              <Grid item xs={12} md={6}>
                <GithubPullRequestsCard />
// ...
  1. If you are using a GitHub enterprise edition, you can pass your instance url through app-config.yml


Now you are ready to use this Backstage GitHub plugin to make your software management and development cycle a little more hassle-free.