FoxedBot copied to clipboard
Nothing works...
There's no such folder as "garrysmod/lua/bin" so i created one, don't know if that worked.
Then it can't find the shared file cant find every other file and the account doesn't really do shit....
Also, addCallback doesn't seem to be a function
Where did you get bromsock from and how did you install it?
Can you post relevant logs?
I got them from their github page under builds folder.
Files were installed under garrysmod\lua\bin
So, is this just me fucking up or is this 20 years outdated?
Could you post some logs of the errors?
Well, 'cause you took so long to respond I deleted it.
Also, I tried creating my own bot, which works.. Though I have no idea how I would connect it to my GMod Servers.
Reinstalled, here's the Node Error
and here's the server error.
Seems like you renamed a bunch of files, did you also change the paths insides those files. I can see that it can't find nbot/sv_nbot.lua
I renamed the files and everywhere it says FoxedBot somewhere public, no paths was changed.
Does it work without renaming anything?