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problem about transformation from image coordinate to world coordinate

Open WangJuan6 opened this issue 2 years ago • 3 comments

Dear iGibson Team, I encountered a problem when I want to transform the point cloud from image coordinate to world coordinate. First, I generate point cloud from depth image; depth_pc Second, I calculate the rotation matrix R using the orientation information from env.simulator.robots[0].get_orientation() and get the current position from env.simulator.robots[0].get_position() Third, I transform coordinate by: point_cloud_t_geometric = np.matmul(point_cloud_t.reshape(-1, 3), R.T).reshape(XYZ.shape) point_cloud_t_geometric[:, :, 0] += current_position[0] point_cloud_t_geometric[:, :, 1] += current_position[1] point_cloud_t_geometric[:, :, 2] += current_position[2] The results are as follows, red means the result at time t, and blue means the result at time t+1. 2 Obviously, there is an offset in the point cloud at times t and t+1. How can I solve this problem? Thanks, Juan

WangJuan6 avatar Mar 16 '22 07:03 WangJuan6

@alanlou perhaps you can help here.

cgokmen avatar Mar 16 '22 08:03 cgokmen

It will take some (minor) modification, but here is how you can do 3d reconstruction from the 3d sensor:

import open3d
import open3d as o3d
import open3d.core as o3c
import numpy as np

# Fixing the frustum clearing issue

# We don't have this functionality supported, but since you are using the python API I guess you can do this manually:
# * you first create a frustum volume in the camera coordinate system by unprojecting the imaging plane to a list of discretized depths and reshape it to (N, 3) (only once)
# *then you rigid transform the volume to the world coordinate system (once per iteration)
# * finally you turn it into a Open3D Tensor and feed it to the function in need.

class Slam:
    def __init__(
            features = ["color", "seg", "ins_seg"],
            feature_sizes = [(3), (1), (1)],
        self.device = o3c.Device(device)
        voxel_size = 3.0 / 512

        self.features = features
        self.feature_sizes = feature_sizes

        attr_names = ["tsdf", "weight"] + features
        attr_sizes = [(1), (1) ] + feature_sizes
        attr_dtypes = [o3c.float32] * len(attr_sizes)

        self.vbg = o3d.t.geometry.VoxelBlockGrid(
        self.trunc = voxel_size * 4
        self.depth_max = 5.0
        self.depth_scale = 1.0
        self.intrinsic = o3c.Tensor(intrinsic, o3c.Dtype.Float64)
        self.intrinsic_dev = o3c.Tensor(
            intrinsic, device=self.device, dtype=o3c.float32


    def convert_opengl_to_world(ex):
        return np.array(
                [ex[0, 0], ex[0, 1], ex[0, 2], ex[0, 3]],
                [-ex[1, 0], -ex[1, 1], -ex[1, 2], -ex[1, 3]],
                [-ex[2, 0], -ex[2, 1], -ex[2, 2], -ex[2, 3]],
                [0, 0, 0, 1],

    def integrate(self, extrinsic, depth, features):
        extrinsic = self.convert_opengl_to_world(extrinsic)
        extrinsic = o3c.Tensor(extrinsic, dtype=o3c.float64)
        depth = open3d.t.geometry.Image(np.ascontiguousarray(depth))
        depth = depth.to(self.device)

        frustum_block_coords = self.vbg.compute_unique_block_coordinates(
            depth, self.intrinsic, extrinsic, self.depth_scale, self.depth_max
        # Activate them in the underlying hash map (may have been inserted)

        # Find buf indices in the underlying engine
        buf_indices, _ = self.vbg.hashmap().find(frustum_block_coords)

        voxel_coords, voxel_indices = self.vbg.voxel_coordinates_and_flattened_indices(
        self.voxel_coords = voxel_coords

        # Now project them to the depth and find association
        # (3, N) -> (2, N)
        extrinsic_dev = extrinsic.to(self.device, o3c.float32)
        xyz = extrinsic_dev[:3, :3] @ voxel_coords.T() + extrinsic_dev[:3, 3:]

        uvd = self.intrinsic_dev @ xyz
        d = uvd[2]
        u = (uvd[0] / d).round().to(o3c.int64)
        v = (uvd[1] / d).round().to(o3c.int64)

        mask_proj = (
            (d > 0) & (u >= 0) & (v >= 0) & (u < depth.columns) & (v < depth.rows)

        # For visualization
        self.columns = depth.columns
        self.rows = depth.rows
        self.extrinsic = extrinsic
        self.frustum_block_coords = frustum_block_coords

        v_proj = v[mask_proj]
        u_proj = u[mask_proj]
        d_proj = d[mask_proj]
        depth_readings = (
            depth.as_tensor()[v_proj, u_proj, 0].to(o3c.float32) / self.depth_scale
        sdf = depth_readings - d_proj

        mask_inlier = (
            (depth_readings > 0)
            & (depth_readings < self.depth_max)
            & (sdf >= -self.trunc)

        sdf[sdf >= self.trunc] = self.trunc
        sdf = sdf / self.trunc

        weight = self.vbg.attribute("weight").reshape((-1, 1))
        tsdf = self.vbg.attribute("tsdf").reshape((-1, 1))

        valid_voxel_indices = voxel_indices[mask_proj][mask_inlier]
        w = weight[valid_voxel_indices]
        wp = w + 1

        tsdf[valid_voxel_indices] = (
            tsdf[valid_voxel_indices] * w + sdf[mask_inlier].reshape(w.shape)
        ) / (wp)

        ### Add for loop here to iterate over properties
        for idx, feat in enumerate(self.features):
            feat_tensor = o3c.Tensor(features[feat], dtype=o3c.float32, device=self.device)

            if feat == "color":
                ### Open3D normalize color, need to rescale between 0-255
                feat_tensor *= 255

            feat_tensor_readings = feat_tensor[v_proj, u_proj]

            # Dictionary keys must be in same order as feature sizes
            shape = self.feature_sizes[idx]
            feat_tensor = self.vbg.attribute(feat).reshape((-1, shape))
            feat_tensor[valid_voxel_indices] = feat_tensor_readings[mask_inlier]

        weight[valid_voxel_indices] = wp
        return self.vbg

    def visualize(self, extrinsic=None):
        if extrinsic is None:
            extrinsic = self.extrinsic

        # examples/python/t_reconstruction_system/ray_casting.py
        result = self.vbg.ray_cast(
            render_attributes=["depth", "normal", "color", "index", "interp_ratio"],

        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

        fig, axs = plt.subplots(2, 2)
        # colorized depth
        colorized_depth = o3d.t.geometry.image(result["depth"]).colorize_depth(
            self.depth_scale, 0, 3
        axs[0, 0].imshow(colorized_depth.as_tensor().cpu().numpy())
        axs[0, 0].set_title("depth")

        axs[0, 1].imshow(result["normal"].cpu().numpy())
        axs[0, 1].set_title("normal")

        axs[1, 0].imshow(result["color"].cpu().numpy())
        axs[1, 0].set_title("color via kernel")


    def visualize_frustum(self):
        pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
        pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(self.voxel_coords.cpu().numpy())

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import os
    import ssg
    from ssg.envs.igibson_env import iGibsonEnv


    config_file = os.path.join(ssg.CONFIG_PATH, "config.yaml")
    num_cpu = 1

    env = iGibsonEnv(
        action_timestep=1 / 10.0,
        physics_timestep=1 / 40.0,

    # Get the intrinsic matrix
    intrinsic = env.simulator.renderer.get_intrinsics()
    slam = Slam(intrinsic=intrinsic)


    # 10 seconds
    for i in range(100):
        rgb, threed, seg, ins_seg = env.simulator.renderer.render_robot_cameras(
            modes=("rgb", "3d", "seg", "ins_seg")
        extrinsics = env.simulator.renderer.V
        vbg = slam.integrate(
            depth = -threed[:, :, 2:3],
            features = {
               "color": rgb[:, :, :3],
               "seg": seg[..., 0:1],
               "ins_seg": ins_seg[..., 0:1],

        action = np.array([0, 1])
        state, reward, done, info = env.step(action)
        # slam.visualize_frustum()

    # slam.visualize()

    # active_buf_indices = vbg.hashmap().active_buf_indices().to(o3c.int64)
    # key_tensor = vbg.hashmap().key_tensor()[active_buf_indices]
    # vbg.hashmap().activate(key_tensor)
    # buf_indices, _ = vbg.hashmap().find(key_tensor)

    pcd = vbg.extract_point_cloud()

    pcd_block_coordinates = vbg.compute_unique_block_coordinates(pcd)
    buf_indices, _ = vbg.hashmap().find(pcd_block_coordinates)

    voxel_coords, voxel_indices = vbg.voxel_coordinates_and_flattened_indices(
    color = vbg.attribute("color").reshape((-1, 3))[voxel_indices]

    # Using active buf indices
    # color.shape = SizeVector[54960128, 3]
    # voxel_coords.shape = SizeVector[54960128, 3]

    # Using pcd to get voxel_coords
    # color.shape = SizeVector[48689152, 3]
    # voxel_coords.shape = SizeVector[48689152, 3]

    # Using pcd
    # pcd.point["colors"].shape = SizeVector[1510288, 3]

    # pcd = o3d.t.geometry.PointCloud()
    # pcd.point["positions"] = voxel_coords
    # pcd.point["colors"] = color / 255


    # o3d.visualization.draw(vbg.extract_point_cloud())

mjlbach avatar Mar 16 '22 08:03 mjlbach

Dear @mjlbach: Thanks a lot, the code works. I need to project the global semantic point cloud to the current frame, so I have to know how the coordinates are transformed. Can you help me to solve this problem? The action of the robot is set as forward or rotate, the extrinsic matrix can get from iGibson environment or calculate using orientation and position. My code is as follows:

import logging
import os
from sys import platform
import yaml
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import torch

import igibson
from igibson.envs.igibson_env import iGibsonEnv
from igibson.render.profiler import Profiler

import open3d as o3d


def create_from_depth_frame(depth_frame,camera_matrix):
    depth_frame = np.squeeze(depth_frame)
    xc = camera_matrix[0, 2]  # cx
    zc = camera_matrix[1, 2]  # cy
    fx = camera_matrix[0, 0]
    fy = camera_matrix[1, 1]
    depth_frame = torch.from_numpy(depth_frame).cuda()
    x_points = torch.arange(-xc, xc).float().cuda()
    x_vals = (depth_frame * x_points / (fx))
    y_points = torch.arange(zc, -zc, -1).float().cuda()
    y_vals = (depth_frame.T * y_points / (fy)).T
    z_vals = depth_frame
    coordinates = torch.stack((x_vals, y_vals, z_vals), axis=2)
    coordinates = coordinates.cpu().numpy()
    return coordinates

def main():

    # config_filename = os.path.join(igibson.example_config_path, "husky_nav.yaml")
    config_filename = os.path.join(igibson.example_config_path, "turtlebot_nav.yaml")
    config_data = yaml.load(open(config_filename, "r"), Loader=yaml.FullLoader)
    config_data["vertical_fov"] = 90
    config_data["output"] = ["rgb", "depth"]
    # Reduce texture scale for Mac.
    if platform == "darwin":
        config_data["texture_scale"] = 0.5
    env = iGibsonEnv(config_file=config_data, mode="headless")

    camera_matrix = env.simulator.renderer.get_intrinsics()

    for j in range(100):
        logging.info("Resetting environment")
        for i in range(300):
            with Profiler("Environment action step"):
                # action = env.action_space.sample()
                # state, reward, done, info = env.step([0, 3, 1, 6])
                state, reward, done, info = env.step([1, 1])
                rgb = state["rgb"]
                depth = state["depth"]

                # depth to pcd
                point_cloud = create_from_depth_frame(depth, camera_matrix)

                # transformation using extrinsics
                extrinsics = env.simulator.renderer.V
                R_m = extrinsics[:3, :3]
                T_m = extrinsics[:3, 3:]
                point_cloud[..., 0] -= T_m[0]
                point_cloud[..., 1] -= T_m[1]
                point_cloud[..., 2] -= T_m[2]
                point_cloud_world_coordinate = R_m.T @ point_cloud.reshape(-1,3).transpose(1,0)
                point_cloud_world_coordinate = point_cloud_world_coordinate.transpose(1,0)

                # transformatin using position and orientation
                # current_rotation = env.simulator.robots[0].eyes.get_orientation()
                # current_position = env.simulator.robots[0].eyes.get_position()
                # from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
                # r = R.from_quat(current_rotation)
                # rotation_matrix = r.as_matrix()
                # point_cloud[..., 0] -= current_position[0]
                # point_cloud[..., 1] -= current_position[1]
                # point_cloud[..., 2] -= current_position[2]
                # point_cloud_world_coordinate = rotation_matrix.T @ point_cloud.reshape(-1, 3).transpose(1, 0)
                # point_cloud_world_coordinate = point_cloud_world_coordinate.transpose(1, 0)

                # construct global point cloud
                if i==0:
                    point_cloud_global = point_cloud_world_coordinate
                    rgb_global = rgb
                    point_cloud_global = (np.append(point_cloud_global, point_cloud_world_coordinate, axis=0))
                    rgb_global = np.append(rgb_global, rgb, axis=0)

                # visualization(plt or o3d)

                # ax = plt.figure(0).add_subplot(projection='3d')
                # try:
                #     ax.plot(np.ndarray.flatten(point_cloud[::, ::, 0]), np.ndarray.flatten(point_cloud[::, ::, 1]),
                #             np.ndarray.flatten(point_cloud[::, ::, 2]), 'b.', markersize=0.2)
                # except:
                #     ax.plot(np.ndarray.flatten(point_cloud[::, 0]), np.ndarray.flatten(point_cloud[::, 1]),
                #             np.ndarray.flatten(point_cloud[::, 2]), 'b.', markersize=0.2)
                # plt.title('point cloud')
                # ax = plt.figure(1).add_subplot(projection='3d')
                # try:
                #     ax.plot(np.ndarray.flatten(point_cloud_global[::, ::, 0]),
                #             np.ndarray.flatten(point_cloud_global[::, ::, 1]),
                #             np.ndarray.flatten(point_cloud_global[::, ::, 2]), 'b.', markersize=0.2)
                # except:
                #     ax.plot(np.ndarray.flatten(point_cloud_global[::, 0]),
                #             np.ndarray.flatten(point_cloud_global[::, 1]),
                #             np.ndarray.flatten(point_cloud_global[::, 2]), 'b.', markersize=0.2)
                # plt.title('point_cloud_global')
                # plt.show()

                if i>=40: # 40 step
                    pcd = o3d.geometry.PointCloud()
                    np_points = np.unique(point_cloud.reshape(-1, 3), axis=0)
                    pcd.points = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(point_cloud_global.reshape(-1, 3))
                    pcd.colors = o3d.utility.Vector3dVector(rgb_global.reshape(-1, 3))

if __name__ == '__main__':

thanks, Juan

WangJuan6 avatar Mar 22 '22 09:03 WangJuan6