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Camera orientation mismatch in scaling robot size
I'm trying to import "fetch" into one of the scenes, and because the robot's size is relatively too big, I want to rescale it to avoid possible collisions. However, it looks like the camera orientation cannot be set correctly.
File "/omnigibson-src/omnigibson/prims/", line 141, in _set_xform_properties
assert np.allclose(new_position, current_position, atol=1e-4) and np.allclose(r1, r2, atol=1e-4), \
AssertionError: /World/robot0/eyes/Camera: old_pos: [1.67729348e-01 5.24871461e-17 1.04592872e+00], new_pos: [1.67729348e-01 5.24871477e-17 1.04592872e+00], old_orn: [ 0.43045944 -0.43045944 -0.56098545 0.56098545], new_orn: [-0.47755187 0.20257453 0.62235748 -0.58615608]
And this part of the code is asserting the mismatch between the new and old orientation values.
self.set_position_orientation(position=current_position, orientation=current_orientation)
new_position, new_orientation = self.get_position_orientation()
r1 = R.from_quat(current_orientation).as_matrix()
r2 = R.from_quat(new_orientation).as_matrix()
# Make sure setting is done correctly
assert np.allclose(new_position, current_position, atol=1e-4) and np.allclose(r1, r2, atol=1e-4), \
f"{self.prim_path}: old_pos: {current_position}, new_pos: {new_position}, " \
f"old_orn: {current_orientation}, new_orn: {new_orientation}"
And this is the config file to reproduce the settings.
action_frequency: 60 # (int): environment executes action at the action_frequency rate
physics_frequency: 60 # (int): physics frequency (1 / physics_timestep for physx)
# device: null # (None or str): specifies the device to be used if running on the gpu with torch backend
automatic_reset: false # (bool): whether to automatic reset after an episode finishes
flatten_action_space: false # (bool): whether to flatten the action space as a sinle 1D-array
flatten_obs_space: false # (bool): whether the observation space should be flattened when generated
use_external_obs: false # (bool): Whether to use external observations or not
initial_pos_z_offset: 0.1
external_sensors: null
type: InteractiveTraversableScene
scene_model: Benevolence_1_int
trav_map_resolution: 0.1
default_erosion_radius: 0.0
trav_map_with_objects: true
num_waypoints: 1
waypoint_resolution: 0.2
load_room_types: null
load_room_instances: null
load_task_relevant_only: false
seg_map_resolution: 0.1
scene_source: OG
include_robots: true
- type: Fetch
obs_modalities: [proprioception, scan, rgb, depth_linear, seg_semantic, seg_instance]
scale: 0.5
action_type: continuous
action_normalize: True
visual_only: true
type: DummyTask