react-native-jwt copied to clipboard
Signature Not working on IOS
Using the React-Native 0.34.0, the output of jwt.encode(payload, jwtSecret)
doesn't have a valid signature. This doesn't happens on android.
Using this code:
const testData = {bar: 'baz', bacon: 'eggs'}
const testSecret = 'sert212msrghwierlskdSSDt'
const testPayload = {
exp: ( / 1000) + 30,
lg: 'en',
data: testData
const jwtToken = jwt.encode(testPayload, testSecret)
The output for android:
The output for ios:
Both can be decoded as tested on, but the signature is invalid for ios.
There is a weird thing going on, looking at the output here, ios seems to append a bunch of characters to the signature, the header and payload are exactly the same, but the lenght of the signature is greater.
By trimming the extra 8 characters it seems to be valid now, the ios output should be
Which is valid as tested on
It is also affecting the decoding, in order to decode a valid jwt token on ios is necessary to append the weird last 8 chars as follows:
Duplicate the last 3 chars of the signature and add 'AAAAA'.
if (Platform.OS === 'ios'){
const tmp = token.slice(-3)
token = token + tmp + 'AAAAA'