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Kibana 4 Templates for Suricata IDPS

=============================== Kibana 4 Templates for Suricata

Templates/Dashboards for Kibana 4 to use with Suricata IDPS and the ELK stack

This repository provides 11 templates for the Kibana 4.4 and Elasticsearch 2.x for use with Suricata IDS/IPS - Intrusion Detection and Prevention System.

These dashboards are for use with Suricata and ELK - Elasticsearch, Logstash, Kibana and comprise of more than 140 visualizations and 11 searches.

The dashboards are:

  • ALL
  • DNS
  • FILE Transactions
  • FLOW
  • HTTP
  • SMTP
  • SSH
  • TLS
  • VLAN

How to use


 apt-get install git-core
 git clone https://github.com/StamusNetworks/KTS.git
 cd KTS

Kibana 4.4.x needs to be patched in order to load the templates. If you have installed Kibana in /opt/kibana for example: ::

patch -p1 -d /opt/kibana/ < full/path/to/KTS/patches/kibana-integer.patch patch -p1 -d /opt/kibana/ < full/path/to//KTS/patches/timelion-integer.patch

NOTE: The loading of the dashboards will delete and replace any previously exiting templates/visualizations. !!!

Load the dashboards: ::


Open the dashboards in Kibana

  • Open your Kibana web interface (ip.ip.ip.ip:5601), select default index
  • Right upper corner, Load -> Choose the desired dashboard
  • Load the desired template(s)

In order to use the full HTTP logging dashboard template you need to set up Suricata as explained here - http://www.pevma.blogspot.se/2014/06/http-header-fields-extended-logging.html

If the traffic you are inspecting contains vlans - in order to use the VLAN template, make sure you have enabled vlan tracking in suricata.yaml -

   use-for-tracking: true

For best user experience use with 1680 x 1050 screen resolution!!

Do not hesitate to test,feedback and contribute !