ombi-bot copied to clipboard
Exception in thread "main" DecodingFailure
I created a Docker container on my Synology NAS with the env variables below
OMBI_BOT_NAME: Name of the ombi bot
OMBI_BOT_TOKEN: 12345:foobar
OMBI_KEY: 12foo34bar
OMBI_HOST: http://externalip:port
and I'm getting the following error in the log file
2022-01-22 21:12:07 stdout Exception in thread "main" DecodingFailure(Int, List(DownField(id), DownField(result)))
2022-01-22 21:12:07 stdout [error, com.bot4s.telegram.clients.ScalajHttpClient] RESPONSE bea24690-fa63-4af3-a0f9-c26a40859d7e DecodingFailure(Int, List(DownField(id), DownField(result)))
2022-01-22 21:12:04 stdout [trace, com.bot4s.telegram.clients.ScalajHttpClient] REQUEST bea24690-fa63-4af3-a0f9-c26a40859d7e GetMe
2022-01-22 21:12:04 stdout [trace, com.bot4s.telegram.clients.ScalajHttpClient] RESPONSE f6233830-65b9-4f8d-b386-f92745a77480 true
2022-01-22 21:10:53 stdout [trace, com.bot4s.telegram.clients.ScalajHttpClient] REQUEST f6233830-65b9-4f8d-b386-f92745a77480 DeleteWebhook
I can't talk to the bot via Telegram. Any idea what could be the issue? Ombi: 4.3.3 Docker Image: 2.2-OMBI-V4
I'm currently having the same issue, started using the bot last week, it died over the past weekend same error on startup. Not sure what's causing it.
Created a somewhat working fix here:
If you have only added the bot to 1 group and /setjoingroups disabled at telegram botfather, you should be able to just replace the docker hub name from stracktraceyo/ombi-bot:2.2-OMBI-V4
to xeyame/ombi-bot:latest
Not sure why it took months for me to encounter this error compared to others, but @Xeyame 's fork worked great. Thank you!!