blackbox copied to clipboard
Release deb/rpm packages
It would really ease installation to have deb/rpm packages available. I'm struggling quite a bit to get fpm installed on RHEL6, but even for users without this difficulty it would be quite a nice convenience
For whoever may struggle on this:
git clone [email protected]:StackExchange/blackbox.git
#now you can use blackbox
but I agree, it would be nice to have a deb release
+1 to keep this alive. It would be really great to have an RPM package available. I too have had issues getting 'fpm' installed on CentOS.
fpm is installed as a ruby "gem". So, you generally won't find a package for it.
In Puppet I use this:
ensure_packages(['rubygems', 'ruby-devel'])
package { 'fpm':
ensure => 'latest',
provider => 'gem',
require => Package['ruby-devel', 'rubygems'],
Would Packagecloud be an option? They have some free options for open source software.
I'm open to volunteers stepping up to take this on and deciding what to do.