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Do we want to support Dark Mode in email?

Open TedGoas opened this issue 5 years ago • 3 comments

Our users (and even some staff) ask about and seem to prefer the option for Dark Mode on our site. With a few media queries, looks like we could change an email's design if a user has a dark mode preference turned on in their device.

@media (prefers-dark-interface) @media (-ms-high-contrast)

I don't know if we'd want to design two versions of every email, but perhaps we could dim the light gray background and white email frame in dark mode?

Litmus Article

TedGoas avatar Nov 30 '18 15:11 TedGoas

Appears Apple starting taking more of a heavy-hand with dark mode and converting emails that haven't defined @media (prefers-dark-interface). This is what a typical transactional email looks like, even though we've set the background to #ffffff:


TedGoas avatar Jul 26 '19 12:07 TedGoas

Dark emails are also enabled in Outlook 2019/o365 using the dark mode toggle (on by default for me, but this is configurable in user settings).


Foxtrek64 avatar Nov 28 '19 06:11 Foxtrek64

I would like a dark mode for email. I am a user who has enabled dark mode on the site. I personally find white backgrounds to bright.

minecraftchest1 avatar Feb 09 '22 20:02 minecraftchest1