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stable-baselines3-contrib copied to clipboard


Open qgallouedec opened this issue 1 year ago • 4 comments



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qgallouedec avatar Jan 26 '23 15:01 qgallouedec

Results comparison

Current implementation Reference
(6 seeds) iqn from (1 seed, same parameters) image
W B Chart 28_01_2023, 23_13_44 (2 seeds, same parameters) image

qgallouedec avatar Jan 27 '23 12:01 qgallouedec

@qgallouedec Thank you for adding this. I wanted to report that for me it works well and I was able to adapt it to implement the paper Self-Imitation Advantage Learning . I'm not sure how useful it is for you but I'm happy to share my modifications to add SAIL-IQN to your IQN implementation (I don't have the resources right now to submit this as a separate PR):

New replay buffer to store discounted returns (G):

import warnings
import itertools
from typing import Generator, Optional, Union, NamedTuple, List, Dict, Any
import numpy as np
import torch as th
from stable_baselines3.common.type_aliases import ReplayBufferSamples, RolloutBufferSamples
from stable_baselines3.common.buffers import ReplayBuffer
from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import VecNormalize
from gymnasium import spaces

PLACEHOLDER_RETURN_VALUE = np.finfo(np.float32).min

class SAILReplayBufferSamples(NamedTuple):
    observations: th.Tensor
    actions: th.Tensor
    next_observations: th.Tensor
    dones: th.Tensor
    rewards: th.Tensor
    returns: th.Tensor

class SAILReplayBuffer(ReplayBuffer):
    def __init__(
        buffer_size: int,
        observation_space: spaces.Space,
        action_space: spaces.Space,
        device: Union[th.device, str] = "cpu",
        n_envs: int = 1,
        optimize_memory_usage: bool = False,
        gamma: float = 0.99
        super().__init__(buffer_size, observation_space, action_space, device, n_envs, optimize_memory_usage)
        ## TODO: Haven't looked at supporting optimize_memory_usage true yet
        # assert optimize_memory_usage == False, 'optimize_memory_usage does not work with SAIL currently'
        self.gamma = gamma
        self.returns = np.zeros((self.buffer_size, self.n_envs), dtype=np.float32)
        # For each env store where the episode starts (0 for all envs at the beginning)
        # but will vary as each episode can end at a different point
        self.episode_start_indices = np.zeros(self.n_envs, dtype=np.int32)

    def update_episodic_return(self, completed_env_indices: np.ndarray, episode_end_idx: int):
        # completed_env_indices - indices of envs with completed episode
        # For all episodes that have ended episode_end_pos will contain the end position though
        # it may be infrequent for multiple episodes to end at the same position
        for env_idx in completed_env_indices:
            # episode_start_idx can be > episode_end_idx due to buffer wrap-around
            episode_start_idx = self.episode_start_indices[env_idx]
            G = 0
            x = 0
            i = episode_end_idx # index used to calculate discounted return
            if episode_start_idx < episode_end_idx:
                max_episode_steps = episode_end_idx - episode_start_idx
                # This won't be accurate if we've wrapped around more than once but we should somewhere require
                # max_episode_steps to be less than buffer size to prevent that from happening.
                max_episode_steps = self.buffer_size - episode_end_idx + episode_start_idx
            while x <= max_episode_steps:
                G = self.rewards[i, env_idx] + self.gamma * G
                self.returns[i, env_idx] = G
                i = (i - 1) % self.buffer_size
                x += 1

    def add(
        obs: np.ndarray,
        next_obs: np.ndarray,
        action: np.ndarray,
        reward: np.ndarray,
        done: np.ndarray,
        infos: List[Dict[str, Any]],
    ) -> None:
        # we want position before it gets updated
        pos = self.pos
        super().add(obs=obs, next_obs=next_obs, action=action, reward=reward, done=done, infos=infos)
        self.returns[pos] = np.repeat(PLACEHOLDER_RETURN_VALUE, repeats=self.n_envs)
        if np.any(done):
            # Only use dones that are not due to timeouts
            true_dones = done * (1 - self.timeouts[pos])
            if np.any(true_dones):
                self.update_episodic_return(np.flatnonzero(true_dones), pos)
            # Update episode start indices (whether due to timeout or not) to the current start index
            # of the next episode (self.pos)
            np.put_along_axis(self.episode_start_indices, np.flatnonzero(done), self.pos, axis=0)

    def sample(self, batch_size: int, env: Optional[VecNormalize] = None) -> SAILReplayBufferSamples:
        # noinspection PyTypeChecker
        return super().sample(batch_size=batch_size, env=env)

    def _get_samples(self, batch_inds: np.ndarray, env: Optional[VecNormalize] = None) -> SAILReplayBufferSamples:
        # Sample randomly the env idx
        env_indices = np.random.randint(0, high=self.n_envs, size=(len(batch_inds),))

        if self.optimize_memory_usage:
            next_obs = self._normalize_obs(self.observations[(batch_inds + 1) % self.buffer_size, env_indices, :], env)
            next_obs = self._normalize_obs(self.next_observations[batch_inds, env_indices, :], env)

        data = (
            self._normalize_obs(self.observations[batch_inds, env_indices, :], env),
            self.actions[batch_inds, env_indices, :],
            # Only use dones that are not due to timeouts
            # deactivated by default (timeouts is initialized as an array of False)
            (self.dones[batch_inds, env_indices] * (1 - self.timeouts[batch_inds, env_indices])).reshape(-1, 1),
            self._normalize_reward(self.rewards[batch_inds, env_indices].reshape(-1, 1), env),
            self.returns[batch_inds, env_indices]
        return SAILReplayBufferSamples(*tuple(map(self.to_torch, data)))

and updated training loop:

        # Sample replay buffer
        replay_data = self.replay_buffer.sample(batch_size, env=self._vec_normalize_env)
        with th.no_grad():
            # BEGIN - SAIL addition.
            rewards = replay_data.rewards
            # Ref to
            # Calculates **current state** action-values.
            # Shape: batch_size x n_quantiles x num_actions.
            replay_target_net_outputs = self.quantile_net_target(replay_data.observations, self.n_quantiles)

            # Shape: batch_size x num_actions
            replay_target_q_values = replay_target_net_outputs.mean(dim=1)

            replay_action_one_hot = th.nn.functional.one_hot(replay_data.actions.squeeze(-1), self.action_space.n).type(th.float32)
            replay_target_q = th.max(replay_target_q_values, dim=1).values
            replay_target_q_al = th.sum(replay_action_one_hot * replay_target_q_values, dim=1)
            comp_value = th.max(replay_target_q_al, replay_data.returns)

            if self.clip > 0.:
                sil_bonus = self.alpha * th.clamp(comp_value - replay_target_q, min=-self.clip, max=self.clip)
                sil_bonus = self.alpha * (comp_value - replay_target_q)

            rewards = rewards + sil_bonus.unsqueeze(-1)
            # END - SAIL addition

            # Compute the quantiles of next observation
            next_quantiles = self.quantile_net_target(replay_data.next_observations, self.n_quantiles)

            # Shape of next_quantiles:
            # batch_size x n_quantiles x num_actions.
            # e.g. if num_actions is 2, it might look something like this:
            # Vals for Quantile .2  Vals for Quantile .4  Vals for Quantile .6
            #    [[0.1, 0.5],         [0.15, -0.3],          [0.15, -0.2]]
            # Q-values = [(0.1 + 0.15 + 0.15)/3, (0.5 + 0.15 + -0.2)/3].

            # Compute the greedy actions which maximize the next Q values
            next_greedy_actions = next_quantiles.mean(dim=1, keepdim=True).argmax(dim=2, keepdim=True)

            # Make "num_tau_prime_samples" copies of actions, and reshape to (batch_size, num_tau_prime_samples, 1)
            next_greedy_actions = next_greedy_actions.expand(batch_size, self.num_tau_prime_samples, 1)

            # Compute the quantiles of next observation, but with another number of tau samples
            next_quantiles = self.quantile_net_target(replay_data.next_observations, self.num_tau_prime_samples)

            # Follow greedy policy: use the one with the highest Q values
            next_quantiles = next_quantiles.gather(dim=2, index=next_greedy_actions).squeeze(dim=2)

            # 1-step TD target
            target_quantiles = rewards + (1 - replay_data.dones) * self.gamma * next_quantiles

        # Get current quantile estimates
        current_quantiles = self.quantile_net(replay_data.observations, self.num_tau_samples)

        # Make "num_tau_samples" copies of actions, and reshape to (batch_size, num_tau_samples, 1).
        actions = replay_data.actions[..., None].long().expand(batch_size, self.num_tau_samples, 1)

        # Retrieve the quantiles for the actions from the replay buffer
        current_quantiles = th.gather(current_quantiles, dim=2, index=actions).squeeze(dim=2)

        # Compute Quantile Huber loss, summing over a quantile dimension as in the paper.
        loss = quantile_huber_loss(current_quantiles, target_quantiles, sum_over_quantiles=True)
        return loss

The extra parameters alpha and clip are defaulted to 0.9 and 1.0.

I found immediately that SAIL-IQN performs nicely on sparse rewards so am quite happy with my initial results but by no means has my testing been thorough.

emrul avatar Feb 25 '23 12:02 emrul

Thanks for your feedback @emrul! This PR is still draft because I can't replicate exactly the results of the paper for Qbert. I don't know if it's a hyperparameter problem or something else, I'm still looking.

I think SIL (and probably maybe SAIL) would fit in SB3-contrib. However, it would be best to discuss it in a dedicated issue. I'll open it right away.

qgallouedec avatar Feb 26 '23 08:02 qgallouedec

Thanks @qgallouedec - I didn't know there's a reproduction issue, I will look into this also - I compared your implementation with the Dopamine one and the Medipexel/pytorch port of that and it looked quite different. I will dig in to see where they differ and feedback if I find anything to assist.

emrul avatar Feb 26 '23 21:02 emrul