Feng Zhao
Feng Zhao
Fortunately, these issues will not affect my experimental operation.
``` 2023-03-22 08:08:49,387 [INFO] - c.p.PublixInterceptor - .heartbeat: studyResultId 623 2023-03-22 08:08:49,387 [INFO] - publix_access - POST /publix/d9fdcfb9-a3e1-4cb1-acb9-2a38c51eccfe/heartbeat 2023-03-22 08:08:03,267 [INFO] - c.p.PublixInterceptor - .finishStudy: studyResultId 616, successful true 2023-03-22...
My god! When I updated to the latest version, the structure of the data I collected changed dramatically, which meant that I had to refactor my data analysis code. Is...
The line break seems to have disappeared.
Never mind, I have already solved this problem. Yes, the line breaks did disappear. I wrote a program using JSPsych, and after updating JATOS to the latest version, the line...
I was sick the other day, so a lot of work has been put on hold, and I apologize for not responding to your message until now. If there were...
I am glad to hear this. Is there an expected release time for the new version?
> The line break seems to have disappeared. This issue seems to be happening with 3.7.6 as well. The data view of the JATOS page seems to be fine, but...
Hope the new version will be released soon.
> I'm sorry for the delay. There are some issues related to running JATOS in a cluster with multiple nodes that have to solved before we can release the new...