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Temperature Regulation an Light Scene
Is it also possible to choose which light Scene shout be activatet? For exaple in my livingroom when I`m sitting in front of my TV I have a spacial light Scene. Is I possible to say "Hey Siri switch in the Livingroom Scene XY on"?
Is it also possible to controll the temperature or ask for the Temperatur?
+1 on the temperature to control the airco :)
What does it mean, +1 on the temperature to control the airco?
Ok, thats all?
please give some example. should we integrate +1 in name of the block of airco?
Please explain what do you mean with +1 an aircon? Because I don`t understand your question.
Okay. Sorry. Where did you implement the +1 in your loxone configuration?
Sometime I think I'm to stupid for this. SORRY What do you mean with +1?
The comment from hihipto: +1 on the temperature to control the airco :)
And you agree this by: ok, that’s all?
My question is where did you implement this comment from hihipto to control your air condition e.q. Temperature regulation.
Sorry for the delay;
+1 -> me too, I'm interested to have this functionality
indeed I'm very interested in the airco integration, to control it (sending commands to the airco) and check on temperature (receiving current state)
Hello everyone. Yesterday i tried a workaround regarding this Topic with fhem. Let my explane:
In fhem i defined some Kind of dummy thermostat. With the homebridge mapping you can set the temperature values and the input temperature. Set genericDeviceType to Thermostat. Restart homebridge. Normally you should find your „dummy“ thermostat in Apple Home. So now you can send over udp protocole the Target temperature values to loxone intelligent room regulation Block.