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Scripts for converting Waymo Open Dataset to Kitti dataset format,

Scripts for extracting data from Waymo Open Dataset to Kitti format

Author: Sreenivasa Hikkal Venugopala

Contact: [email protected]


  1. Clone the repository Scripts.

  2. Requirements: Install following libraries

    1. Tensorflow 1.15.0
    2. waymo-open-dataset
    3. OpenCV-python
  3. Download the Waymo open dataset and extract the content into a folder.

  4. Run the following command - "python Waymo_to_kitti.py --source=path/to/tfrecord_data_folder --dest=path/to/extract/data --all"

    1. Provided with more command line options to generate
    "--velo" - velodyne lidar points with option with camera calibration and labels
    "--img" - camera images with option with camera calibration and labels
    "--all" - to generate lidar, images, camera calibration and labels.
    "--oclu" - to generate lidar, images, camera calibration and labels with basic occlusion information.
  5. Output folders will have following sructure under destination folder.

├── Calibration
│   └── Calib
│   	├── 0
│   	├── 1
│   	├── 2
│   	├── 3
│   	└── 4
│   └── Calib_all
├── Camera
│   ├── Front
│   ├── Front_left
│   ├── Front_right
│   ├── Side_left
│   └── Side_right
├── Labels
│   └── Label
│   	├── 0
│   	├── 1
│   	├── 2
│   	├── 3
│   	└── 4
│   └── Labels_all
└── Velodyne

Info on Data


Waymo has 5 cameras - Front, Front_left, Front_right, Side_left, Side_right. Each is assigned with values from 0 to 4.


Under construction

Consists of two sub folders.

  1. Labels - consists of labels for each individual cameras and folder names denotes what camera the label belongs. The number is mentiond in camera section.
  2. Labels_all - consists of all label in single file.

Labels in kitti format with basic occlusion information as follows:

  1. occlusion level 1 - for occluded objects.
  2. occlusion level 0 - for non occluded objects.

All in vehicle frame.


Consists of two sub folders.

  1. Calib - consists of calibration for each individual cameras and folder names denotes what camera the label belongs. The number is mentiond in camera section.
  2. Calib_all - consists of all calibrations in single file.
P0-P4 : intrinsic matrix for each camera
R0_rect : rectify matrix
Tr_velo_to_cam_0 - Tr_velo_to_cam_4 : transformation matrix from vehicle frame to camera frame


Point cloud in vehicle frame.

x y z reflectance


  1. Waymo open dataset
  2. Waymo_Kitti_Adapter
  3. simple-waymo-open-dataset-reader