> Your config has both bossbar and expansion disabled. How could TAB be possibly sending too many boss bars? I cannot do anything without any evidence. it's the only...
> What is "tx, 208 rx" and how does it relate to TAB? Why don't you temporarily remove TAB to see if it's acutally the cause? how do I remove...
> Try looking into tools that will get you a live view (or at least a recent history). There is absolutely no evidence suggesting there is a bug in TAB...
> I am not aware of any plugin that monitors this. Show the evidence pointing at TAB. that's when I updated to the version you sent me since that...
> Remove animations and check back in 2 weeks or whatever. Until you give evidence I cannot do anything. is there any way I can activate the debug and see...
> There is no effective solution I can implement into the plugin. Until you provide evidence, I cannot do anything. removing the animations and getting results see: tab with...
> I have no idea what tx and rx means. Did that solve your problem?,2019%7CKnowledge%20Base%7CComments%20Off ->
> Does that mean it solved your problem? Yes, it reduced the bandwidth that players send to the server, is there a way to solve this?
> Solve what? You want animations without animations? That's not how it works. You either have them or not. this never happened when the plugin was on spigot, it only...
> What kind of solution are you expecting? Do you understand that animations work by spamming packets? this never happened when the plugin was in spigot, one solution would be...