Hi and sorry for not answering for a long time. I did wrote a response but apparently GitHub decided to not send it... I've been pretty busy lately with school...
I was cleaning up a bit my Darkest Dungen flake and it looks like this: _(I'm posting this as an example to what has been explained in the previous post)_....
As for future work: This approach lacks support for DLCs. This could be fixed by creating a simple home-manager module in which the user can declare which DLCs they have....
Hi, thanks for you're reply. Here are more details: > Do you need to be logged in in any way to download the installer? Or do you need to log...
Also, this could be extended to all DRM-free games since it does not relay on any platform specific way of downloading the games. I've mentioned GoG because I own some...
Hi, > Sorry for the late response, I missed the notifications. Don't worry, happens sometimes. I'm not the best keeping up with notifications either. > Yes, it's possible to create...
Having my math fractions straight would be lovely. Hope someone picks this up.
Well, I'm not getting random boot failures since in my case it's not random at all. It fails a 100% of the times because it's looking for the wrong disk....