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An Open Source RimWorld mod package manager and sorting tool.
RMM: RimWorld Mod Manager
A mod manager for RimWorld.
- 🌍 Cross-platform: Supports Linux, MacOS, Windows
- 🎮 Broad Game Source Support: Steam, GOG, and DRM-free installations
- 🔗 RimWorld Versions: Seamlessly supports 1.0 and above
- 🚀 Fetch Directly: Installs and updates mods from the Steam Workshop
- 🛡️ No Strings Attached: Operate without a Steam account
- 📑 Modlists: Organize, activate, deactivate with ease
- 🔄 Stay Updated: Automatic mod updates at your fingertips
- 🧩 Smart Sorting: Auto-arrange mods for optimal load order
- ❌ Simplified Cleanup: Easy mod deactivation and removal
- 📦 Always Safe: Mod backup and restore features
- ↕️ Import/Export: Convenient modlist transitions and sharing
- 🧰 Flexible and User-Friendly: Customizable paths, settings, and configurations
RMM aims to allow subscribing to and managing mods for RimWorld without a Steam account or have installed the game with a DRM-free installer.
Table of Contents
- Getting Sarted
Detailed Installation Guide
- Windows
- MacOS
- Arch Linux
- Other Linux Distributions
- Configuration
- Usage
- Example
- Tips
- Contributing
- License
Getting Started
RMM is available at rmm
on PyPi. To install, run:
pip install rmm-spoons
Ensure that SteamCMD is set up and appended to your path. (Required for Linux/Mac only)
Detailed Installation Guide
Fetch and install the most recent Python 3 release from Python's official website. During the installation, make sure to select 'add to PATH'. With administrative rights, launch the Command Prompt and input:
python -m pip install --user rmm-spoons
(Optional) Append C:\Users[username]\AppData\Roaming\Python[version]\Scripts\ to your PATH to use with just rmm.
Utilize brew to install Python3:
brew install python3
To install RMM:
pip3 install --user rmm-spoons
Add Python's bin directory to your path:
echo "export PATH=\"$PATH:$HOME/Library/Python/$(python3 --version | awk '{split($2,a,".") ; print a[1] "." a[2] }')/bin\"" >> ~/.zshrc
Arch Linux
RMM is accessible via the AUR package 'rmm'.
- Using Paru (AUR helper)
yay -S rmm
Installation for Other Linux Distributions (via PyPi)
Detailed instructions are provided for Ubuntu and Debian. Kindly consult your distribution's documentation if you use a different Linux variant:
Installing SteamCMD on Ubuntu
sudo su -c 'apt update && apt upgrade && apt install software-properties-common && add-apt-repository multiverse && dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt update && apt install lib32gcc1 steamcmd'
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/usr/games' >> ~/.bashrc
exec $SHELL
Installing SteamCMD on Debian
sudo su -c 'apt update && apt upgrade && apt install software-properties-common && add-apt-repository non-free && dpkg --add-architecture i386 && apt update && apt install steamcmd'
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:/usr/games' >> ~/.bashrc
exec $SHELL
Installing RMM via PyPi
Install RMM via PyPi:
python -m pip install --user rmm-spoons
If you encounter a unknown command error, add the following to your .bashrc:
echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin" >> ~/.bashrc
exec $SHELL
Setting RMM_PATH (Optional)
If RimWorld isn't in its default directory, it's advisable to set the RMM_PATH environment variable pointing to your game directory. This can be achieved in two ways:
Permanently: Edit your shell profile (bashrc, zshrc):
echo 'export RMM_PATH="$HOME/your/game/path"' >> ~/.bashrc
exec $SHELL
Temporarily: Only for the current shell session:
export RMM_PATH="~/PATHTOGAME/game/Mods"
RimWorld Mod Manager
rmm [options] config
rmm [options] export [-e]|[-d] <file>
rmm [options] import <file>
rmm [options] enable [-a]|[-f file]|<packageid>|<term>
rmm [options] disable [-a]|[-f file]|<packageid>|<term>
rmm [options] remove [-a]|[-f file]|<packageid>|<term>
rmm [options] list
rmm [options] query [<term>]
rmm [options] search <term>
rmm [options] sort
rmm [options] sync <name>
rmm [options] update
rmm [options] verify
rmm -h | --help
rmm -v | --version
config Sort and enable/disable mods with ncurses
export Save mod list to file.
import Install a mod list from a file.
list List installed mods.
query Search installed mods.
remove Remove installed mod.
search Search Workshop.
sort Auto-sort your modlist
sync Install or update a mod.
update Update all mods from Steam.
verify Checks that enabled mods are compatible
enable Enable mods
disable Disable mods
order Lists mod order
term Name, author, steamid
file File path for a mod list
name Name of mod.
-a Performs operation on all mods
-d Export disabled mods to modlist.
-e Export enabled mods to modlist.
-f Specify mods in a mod list
-p --path DIR RimWorld path.
-w --workshop DIR Workshop Path.
-u --user DIR User config path.
Environment Variables:
RMM_PATH Folder containings Mods
RMM_WORKSHOP_PATH Folder containing Workshop mods (optional)
RMM_USER_PATH Folder containing saves and config
Pathing Preference:
CLI Argument > Environment Variable > Defaults
You can use enable, disable, and remove with no
argument to select from all mods.
List installed packages:
rmm list
Search workshop packages:
rmm search term
Search locally installed mods
rmm query term
Install package:
rmm sync rimhud
Removing a package:
rmm remove fuzzy
Removing all / a range packages:
rmm remove
# all packages will be listed. specify your desired range at the interactive prompt.
Saving a mod list
rmm export ~/modlist.txt
Install mod list:
rmm import ~/modlist.txt
Update all packages:
rmm update
Auto sort mods:
rmm sort
Manually sort mods:
rmm config
Show mod load order:
rmm order
- Duplicating Mod Setups: If you're aiming to replicate a mod setup on a fresh installation:
rmm -p ~/path-to-current-game export ~/modlist.txt
rmm -p ~/path-to-new-game import ~/modlist.txt
Passionate about RMM and have ideas to contribute? We're all ears! To maintain code quality, we kindly request that any code alterations be formatted using python-black. For more details, check our Contribution Guidelines.
RMM is open-sourced under the GPLv3 License. Dive into the LICENSE file for thorough details.