lexik-jose-bridge copied to clipboard
An Encoder for the LexikJWTAuthenticationBundle that uses web-token/jwt-framework
Hi, As reported in the issue => [ Multi-value for audience param #79 ](https://github.com/Spomky-Labs/lexik-jose-bridge/issues/79#issuecomment-1823970088), it would be great to support an array of audiences instead of one value, currently the...
Hello, We are currently developing an Angular frontend to call our API Symfony where OIDC is used to call REST Controller (with JWT included in the headers). As the frontend...
Updates the requirements on [symplify/easy-coding-standard](https://github.com/easy-coding-standard/easy-coding-standard) to permit the latest version. Commits 7372622 release PHP 7.2 downgraded 499907c make use of when()->needs()->giveTagged() b350c93 make metadata collector default singleton to keep data...
| Q | A | ------------- | --- | Branch? | 4.0 | Bug fix? | no | New feature? | yes | BC breaks? | no | Deprecations? |...
Updates the requirements on [rector/rector](https://github.com/rectorphp/rector) to permit the latest version. Release notes Sourced from rector/rector's releases. Released Rector 0.17 Preparing for Rector 1.0 In this release, we focus on architecture...