Tested now on another device that also has Android 7.1.2 and still looks fine for me (tested now on AICP Nougat and Oreo). Would it maybe be possible for you...
I assume you are using a ROM without Substratum exposure commits (some more information about your operating system would be useful), since it should be fine on those that have...
> I have a similar problem, some notifications are seen correctly but others are not (black letter on dark background). > I am using an unofficial version of Lineage OS...
Thanks for reporting! Unfortunately I don't have any Nougat device right now for testing and not much free time either, so leaving this open for now
Most likely won't happen, theming browsers doesn't make much sense to me since most content you'll see is websites, which won't get touched by OMS themes.
As I said, this is nothing what OMS/Substratum themes can do. OMS/Substratum can overlay (= theme) the following: - Android app resources What you want to change: - Website style...
I see. My first point still stands. Judging from your screenshot, you already found a way to make it dark either way?
You don't give up easily until you get an answer you like, do you? No need to convince me that dark applications look better than light ones, I mean have...
If you have issues uninstalling the theme, that's not a theme issue, but more likely an issue with the Substratum app or your setup
Unlikely, since I don't use it