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Incorrect Execution in Modelsim

Open vasimr opened this issue 1 year ago • 6 comments

Hi, I am having an issue with simulating the correct behavior in modelsim. It's possible that this is due to some configuration issue. Two issues I have noted.

  1. AUIPC followed by an add was not always executing correctly. This resulted in an incorrect address loaded into mtvec (I have removed this instruction as a workaround).
  2. Branches are erroneously executing after evaluated to taken. The branch in question was bge #8,#7, offset, which I confirmed was setting the execute_branch_cond signal to true. However, the processor continued executing the new few instructions, including a read from memory, a write to memory, and updating a register without restoring it.

Below is the configuration that I am using

object GenPE extends App{
  def config = VexRiscvConfig(
    plugins = List(
      new IBusSimplePlugin(
          resetVector = 0x80000000l,
          cmdForkOnSecondStage = false,
          cmdForkPersistence = false,
          prediction = DYNAMIC,
          catchAccessFault = false,
          compressedGen = false
      new DBusSimplePlugin(
          catchAddressMisaligned = false,
          catchAccessFault = false
      new DecoderSimplePlugin(
        catchIllegalInstruction = false
      new RegFilePlugin(
        regFileReadyKind = plugin.SYNC,
        zeroBoot = false
      new IntAluPlugin,
      new SrcPlugin(
        separatedAddSub = false,
        executeInsertion = true
      new FullBarrelShifterPlugin,
      new HazardSimplePlugin(
        bypassExecute           = true,
        bypassMemory            = true,
        bypassWriteBack         = true,
        bypassWriteBackBuffer   = true,
        pessimisticUseSrc       = false,
        pessimisticWriteRegFile = false,
        pessimisticAddressMatch = false
      new MulPlugin,
      new DivPlugin,
      new CsrPlugin(CsrPluginConfig.allPE(0x80000000l)),
      new CompletionCsrPlugin,
      new MemCpyCsrPlugin,
      new DebugPlugin(ClockDomain.current.clone(reset = Bool().setName("debugReset"))),
      new BranchPlugin(
        earlyBranch = false,
        catchAddressMisaligned = false
      new YamlPlugin("cpu0.yaml")

CsrPluginConfig.allPE is a slight modification:

       def allPE(mtvecInit : BigInt) : CsrPluginConfig = CsrPluginConfig(
    catchIllegalAccess = false,
    mvendorid          = 11,
    marchid            = 22,
    mimpid             = 33,
    mhartid            = 0,
    misaExtensionsInit = 66,
    misaAccess         = CsrAccess.READ_WRITE,
    mtvecAccess        = CsrAccess.READ_WRITE,
    mtvecInit          = mtvecInit,
    mepcAccess         = CsrAccess.READ_WRITE,
    mscratchGen        = true,
    mcauseAccess       = CsrAccess.READ_WRITE,
    mbadaddrAccess     = CsrAccess.READ_WRITE,
    mcycleAccess       = CsrAccess.READ_WRITE,
    minstretAccess     = CsrAccess.READ_WRITE,
    ecallGen           = true,
    wfiGenAsWait       = true,
    ucycleAccess       = CsrAccess.READ_ONLY,
    uinstretAccess     = CsrAccess.READ_ONLY

And the CompletionCsrPlugin + MemCpyCsrPlugin are based on the customCSR, which exposes a CSR mapped register bus for interfacing with external hardware. Neither applies any modification to the pipeline - essentially a wrapper for in() and out().

Additional information: The processor is connected directly up to SRAM banks (a TCM implementation) which have a guaranteed single cycle read. As such, the following signals are static:

	assign iBus_cmd_ready = 1'b1;
	assign iBus_rsp_valid = 1'b1;
	assign iBus_rsp_payload_error = 1'b0;
	 assign               dBus_cmd_ready = 1'b1;
  	assign               dBus_rsp_ready = 1'b1;
  	assign               dBus_rsp_error = 1'b0;

The program memory is loaded via hex into a BRAM module, and executed directly. The relevant lines in question were:

        la   a0, _launch_kernel
        csrw CSR_MEPC, a0

        // load argc into t1
        lw t1, 1*4(t0)
         // load the count, because we can't branch on an immediate
        addi t2, zero, 8

        // set the new base ptr
        addi t0, t0, 10*4

1:      // if argc > 8, then we need to push them on the stack
        bge t2, t1, 2f

        lw t3, 0(t0)    // load the argument
        PUSH t3         // push it to the stack <-- this is a macro which decrements sp and then writes to sp
        addi t0, t0, 4  // increment the argument pointer by 4
        addi t2, t2, 1  // increment the count by 1

        // unconditional branch back to the check condition
        beq zero, zero, 1b

        // and now we can launch the kernel
        call kernel

In the above code, a0 was loaded with the incorrect value - the instructions were encoded correctly. I since replaced those instructions with a simple j _launch_kernel since I am not considering other exceptions / interrupts (bare metal). With the loop... bge t2, t1, 2f had the following values: t2 = 8, t1=7, however, the lw and sw from the PUSH macro were both executed.

Please let me know if I can provide any further information.

vasimr avatar Nov 04 '22 16:11 vasimr