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Simulation crashed near roundFront / discardCount using single-precision FPU; made a workaround

Open wjl opened this issue 3 years ago • 4 comments

We've been evaluating using VexRiscv for a project, and it's mostly been going beautifully. Even though nobody on our team knows Scala super well, VexRiscv and SpinalHDL so far is a hit because of how well it integrates into our existing VHDL flow, and how easy it is to configure VexRiscv to do what we want.

However we have run into one issue. We've worked around it, but I wanted to report what we've seen and what we did to work around it, in case this is something that should be fixed in the VexRiscv codebase.

To summarize:

  • Our simulator crashes with an error saying we are indexing bit 25 from a vector that is 24 downto 0.
  • We tested a workaround by hacking the generated code in pkg_extract -- this appeared to fixed the problem completely.
  • We then hacked the FpuCore.scala code instead (a better fix) and this also appears to be working perfectly for us.
  • We think this might be a bug in VexRiscv when using single-precision and should be fixed upstream (correctly, not with our hack).

The first symptom we saw was a crash in the simulator saying that there was an out-of-bounds index. (For reference, this was using the latest Xilinx Vivado built-in simulator.) The crash in question pointed to this generated code:

roundFront_roundAdjusted <= pkg_cat(pkg_toStdLogicVector(pkg_extract(pkg_cat(pkg_toStdLogicVector(pkg_toStdLogic(true)),std_logic_vector(pkg_shiftRight(roundFront_manAggregate,1))),to_integer(roundFront_discardCount))),pkg_toStdLogicVector(pkg_toStdLogic((roundFront_manAggregate and roundFront_exactMask) /= pkg_unsigned("0000000000000000000000000"))));

The actual error was that bit 25 was being indexed from a vector with bounds 24 downto 0. Our first workaround was just to allow this to happen by modifying pkg_extract to have the following guard:

function pkg_extract (that : std_logic_vector; bitId : integer) return std_logic is
    -- Added this guard if statement.
    if bitId > that'high then
      return '0';
    end if; 
  -- Original code just did this.
  return that(bitId);
end pkg_extract;

But that was just a hack. It worked fine after this fix, but of course modifying generated code is terrible, and we wanted to get to the root cause anyway in case it was going to cause misbehavior, etc.

So we tracked this code to the scala code in src/main/scala/vexriscv/ip/fpu/FpuCore.scala here:

  val roundFront = new Area {
    val input = merge.arbitrated.stage()
    val output = input.swapPayload(new RoundFront())

    val manAggregate = input.value.mantissa @@ input.scrap
    val expBase = muxDouble[UInt](input.format)(exponentF64Subnormal + 1)(exponentF32Subnormal + 1)
    val expDif = expBase -^ input.value.exponent
    val expSubnormal = !expDif.msb
    var discardCount = (expSubnormal ? expDif.resize(log2Up(p.internalMantissaSize) bits) | U(0))
    if (p.withDouble) when(input.format === FpuFormat.FLOAT) {
      discardCount \= discardCount + 29
    val exactMask = (List(True) ++ (0 until p.internalMantissaSize + 1).map(_ < discardCount)).asBits.asUInt
    val roundAdjusted = (True ## (manAggregate >> 1)) (discardCount) ## ((manAggregate & exactMask) =/= 0)

None of us are Scala or SpinalHDL experts, but tracing through this code it was clear that, at least when using a single-precision FPU, it's definitely possible for discardCount -- which is indexing a vector in the roundAdjusted assignment -- to go out of bounds. We fixed this in our version by adding code that says:

// HACK: make discardCount never trigger an out-of-bounds lookup
// HACK: this might be covering up some other function error ... but it works when we do this
when (discardCount > 24) {
  discardCount = 0

Anyway, our fix is probably not "correct", but with this workaround everything has been working for us so far. Without this fix, the simulator crashes with an error saying we are indexing bit 25 out of a (24 downto 0) vector. Our GUESS is that this only happens with a single-precision FPU enabled.

Thank you. We're loving VexRiscv and hope this report helps make it even better. =)

wjl avatar Feb 15 '22 18:02 wjl

Hi ^^

Thanks for the issue :D So i see two possibilities :

  • Either it is a design bug for the FPU
  • Either it isn't a bug, and the simulator is trigerred by some out of range values while the pipeline isn't loaded with a operation.

I didn't tried to deploye the FPU in VHDL, only verilog so far ^^

So, maybe one thing which would be great to figure out the nature of the issue, would be to manualy put some VHDL report in that pkg_extract to print the time at which the issue occure, and then, check in the simulation if the roundFront.input.valid is set at that time. If it is, then it is a design bug, else we may just want to change SpinalHDL itself to have the guard as you added it manualy.

Would that be possible for you to test as mentioned above ?

Dolu1990 avatar Feb 16 '22 00:02 Dolu1990

Thanks for the quick reply!

I will work with the guys doing the simulation and see if we can track down more information as you described.

As some additional info, we weren't running any floating point instructions when this first happened. So our thought was that it was just a symptom of garbage running through the FPU pipeline and resulting in an invalid indexing operation. If this is the case, it would be harmless for synthesis and real operation, because the unit isn't actually activated, but of course VHDL is very strict and compliant simulators will get angry (halting the simulation, not just generating 'U') if anything is indexed out of bounds. I wonder if this is a general issue with Spinal HDL VHDL generation, and isn't seen in Verilog because it's more forgiving? Just a thought, but if that were so, generating a safer pkg_extract that checks bounds like in my first example would be a possible simple fix, and doesn't seem like it would affect the synthesis results in the common case.

Anyway, we'll look into this more and I'll report back if we can recreate the error and get more info.

wjl avatar Feb 16 '22 04:02 wjl

Here is more info, although it kind of sounds like this might already have been addressed in the referenced commit!

We undid our workaround(s) and ran our simulation with an eye to capturing more information. Below is a screencap of the waveform output in the Xilinx Vivado simulator, showing all the internal signals from the roundFront area:


The error message was as follows:

ERROR: Index 25 out of bound 24 downto 0
Time: 34973063 ps  Iteration: 4  Process:
  File: …/VexRISCv/VexRiscv/Core.vhd
HDL Line: …/VexRISCv/VexRiscv/Core.vhd:460
run: Time (s): cpu = 00:00:14 ; elapsed = 00:00:34 . Memory (MB): peak = 4451.727 ; gain = 23.328

The referenced line of code in Core.vhd:460 is in pkg_extract:

package body pkg_scala2hdl is
  function pkg_extract (that : std_logic_vector; bitId : integer) return std_logic is
    return that(bitId); -- this is line Core.vhd:460
  end pkg_extract;

The calling line 8542 referenced in the error message is:

roundFront_roundAdjusted <= pkg_cat(pkg_toStdLogicVector(pkg_extract(pkg_cat(pkg_toStdLogicVector(pkg_toStdLogic(true)),std_logic_vector(pkg_shiftRight(roundFront_manAggregate,1))),to_integer(roundFront_discardCount))),pkg_toStdLogicVector(pkg_toStdLogic((roundFront_manAggregate and roundFront_exactMask) /= pkg_unsigned("0000000000000000000000000")))); -- this is line Core.vhd:8542

Most of this is the same as in the original report, but hopefully now what's going on is a lot more clear.

Basically what appears to be going on is as follows:

  • The FPU isn't actually active here -- we aren't running a floating point instruction, and we see roundFront's input.valid is low.
  • So the input to roundFront isn't valid, but "garbage" values flow, mostly harmlessly, through the various signals inside the block.
  • However, this leads to discardCount being 25 (shows as hex 19 in the waveform). This wouldn't normally happen with a valid floating point value, but happens as "don't care" data flows through the block.
  • This indexes into a logic vector of (24 downto 0) -- because VHDL is strict about this, it causes the simulator to exit with an error at this point.

Some more thoughts about this:

  • I think having this be set for single-precision makes this happen due to the interaction between how it sizes manAggregate and discardCount as "garbage" data flows through, and this may not happen (or just not as often?) with a double-precision FPU. (This isn't something we have looked at in depth, because we're using a single-preicision FPU for our design.)
  • But I'm not sure this is a actually a bug in the FPU. SpinalHDL is allowing the code to between where a 5 bit signal (values 0 to 31) is being used to index a 25 bit signal (24 downto 0). If this is semantically valid, then I think the FPU is fine, and it should just be up to SpinalHDL to generate code that does the right thing if the index is out of bounds. On the other hand, if this is NOT supposed to be semantically valid, then the FPU really should be checking the range of discardCount before doing the index.
  • If the indexing operation described here is supposed to be semantically value, then I think this is really a generic SpinalHDL issue (probably only with VHDL generation), and just having the generated pkg_extract do a bounds check before indexing seems like it would pretty much solve this problem.
  • Based on the reference to a commit over in SpinalHDL, it sounds like maybe you already fixed this issue in SpinalHDL VHDL generation. But I wanted to write up all this data we collected anyway, just to close the loop.

I hope this helps!

wjl avatar Feb 17 '22 02:02 wjl

Thanks for the report :)

and this may not happen (or just not as often?) with a double-precision

So, i would say, with VHDL the issue in double-precision is likely to come too.

SpinalHDL is allowing the code to between where a 5 bit signal (values 0 to 31) is being used to index a 25 bit signal (24 downto 0). If this is semantically valid, then I think the FPU is fine

Yes it is ok from a SpinalHDL perspective. Maybe to avoid any issue of that sort, we could have some of automatic padding from SpinalHDL. Maybe 'X' padding. That's would make things explicit.

Based on the reference to a commit over in SpinalHDL, it sounds like maybe you already fixed this issue in SpinalHDL VHDL generation. But I wanted to write up all this data we collected anyway, just to close the loop.

Cool thanks :D

Let's me know if any additional issue popup ^^

Dolu1990 avatar Feb 17 '22 15:02 Dolu1990