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Soccer pitch segmentation and camera calibration in two steps. Step 1, pixelwise segmentation of an broacast image of a soccer game into six different clases defined by the line markings. Step 2, a di...

Soccer Pitch Segmentation and Camera Calibration

Official implementation of Spiideo's contribution to the 2023 SoccerNet Camera Calibration challange.

Example segmentatoions Example optimization

It includes a modified version of the SoccerNet Camera Calibration Development Kit in sncalib.


Install pytorch3d following it's installation instaructions, for example

python -mpip install --no-cache-dir pytorch3d -f

Install remaining requirements and setup python to run the modules from the checked out source

python -mpip install -r requirements.txt
python develop --user


Download the SoccerNet into data/SoccerNet/calibration-2023

from SoccerNet.Downloader import SoccerNetDownloader as SNdl
soccerNetDownloader = SNdl(LocalDirectory="data/SoccerNet/calibration-2023")
soccerNetDownloader.downloadDataTask(task="calibration-2023", split=["train", "valid", "test", "challenge"])

Run the dataloader to display the images and generated segmentations:

python soccersegcal/

Train Segmentation

Train the segmentation model (add --help to se availible options):

python soccersegcal/

To monitor training progress, compare different runs and get hold of the resulting checkpoint.ckpt:

mlflow ui

The checkpoint can also be found by digging through the mlruns dir.

Estimate Cameras

To use the trained segmentation model to estimate camera parameters for the first two samples (index 0 and 1) in the validation set while visualizing the optimization:

python soccersegcal/ -c path/to/segmentation/checkpoint.ckpt -i [0,1] -s

To estimate all the cameras in the test set without visualisation (faster):

python soccersegcal/ -c path/to/segmentation/checkpoint.ckpt -p test

To se other options:

python soccersegcal/ --help

The estimated cameras will be saved in the cams_out directory. To run the SoccerNet evaluation on them:

python sncalib/ -s data/SoccerNet/calibration-2023/ --split test -p cams_out/

Pretrained weights

Pretrained weights can be downloaded from the table below. It also lists hyperparameters with non-default values.

Hyperparameters Combined Metric Accuracy@5 Completeness
epochs=27 0.53 52.95 99.96 snapshot.ckpt