
Results 17 comments of SpicyMelonYT

> What happens when you type "nvcc" into the command line? Or "nvidia-smi"? This might help [facebookresearch/pytorch3d#517](https://github.com/facebookresearch/pytorch3d/issues/517) When I type nvcc, it gives an error "The term 'nvcc' is not...

I also tried to follow the link you shared but it wants me to set CUDE_HOME variable in system variable but it wants it set to a path that I...

> That may be the problem. You are missing the CUDA toolkit. This happens when you either don't have the it installed or you don't have NVIDIA GPU (e.g. Mac...

I suspect that what I changed is still good since even if I had got the CUDA issue solved, those would still pop up. But maybe not. Also where do...

> I think that removing the underscore wont fix your issue. The issue is still the same: > > ``` > C:\Users\Matthew\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\lib\site-packages\torch\cuda\amp\grad_scaler.py:115: UserWarning: torch.cuda.amp.GradScaler is enabled, but CUDA is not...

So no that didn't fix it. I think I will just wait till someone makes a more accessible version or someone makes a website to run it in, even a...

Oh i see, I had suspected something was wrong like that but I didn't test it. I should have tested more. Thank you! Also this is so freaking awesome. I...

Very cool: ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/80491863/192076998-5fb35df9-4c2b-4e8f-84f0-ddffaa715071.png)

Oh also it seems like the strength value works in the opposite way to what I thought. The lower the value, the more the init image influences the result. That...

> I will check and let you know. Thanks. Wow thanks, that was very fast. I also checked to see if the problem was that the "restoreDirectory" had to be...