Spectrum copied to clipboard
A Discord bot with tons of features, written in Python, made for fun.
Originally my first coding project, Spectrum is a bot that does a wide variety of fun commands. Over the years I have added many features useful for myself, but at the end of the day it is just a fun project.
Usage 💡
To use Spectrum, you can either mention it, or you can simply use it's prefix, which is
Fun to use commands made for fun ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Name | Description |
roast | Let Spectrum insult someone or yourself |
ship {@user1} {@user2} | Test love between two users |
gay-scanner {@user} | See how gAeY another user is. Shows my level of maturity too |
combine {word1} {word2} | Makes two words one. For sentances: $combine "a sentance" "cuz y not" |
8ball | Generic. But mine looks better |
Subreddits (Reddit)
Posts stuff from subreddits to your discord chat
Name | Description |
meme | Collects fresh memes from different subreddits |
dankmemes | The finest memes on Reddit |
showerthought | Random and interesting thoughts |
me_irl | Fresh memes from only the best subreddit |
hmmm | Cursed images thank make you say "hmmm..!?" |
programmerhumor | Humor for programmers |
surrealmemes | S u r r e a l (not for mortals) |
Useful commands I guess
Name | Description |
qr {input} | Makes a QR code for you |
bigemote {emote} | Converts emoji to png so you can save it |
poll {input} | Makes a simple poll so you can vote either yes or no |
Text Conversion
Mess around with text, encode or decode stuff and more
Name | Description |
drunkify {input} | RaNdoMizes youR InPUT's cApS AND LoWErCAsE |
expand {ammount (1-5) {input} | Adds spaces between l e t t e r s |
reverse {input} | Reverses text |
texttohex {input} | Encodes plaintext to hexidecimal (eg: 6f 77 6f) |
hextotext {input} | Decodes hexidecimal to plaintext |
texttobinary {input} | Encodes plaintext to binary |
binarytotext {input} | Decodes binary to plaintext |
Get information about stuff
Name | Description | Usage |
user | Get information about a user | info user @someone |
server | Get information about the current server | info server |
bot | Shows a bit of infomation for Spectrum | info bot |
Game Info
Shows what the most popular games are in the server and who's playing them
Name | Description |
currentgames | Shows the most popular games in order from your server |
whosplaying {game} | Check who's playing a specific game in your server |
Load Shedding
For South African's that have to deal with loadshedding
Name | Description |
loadshedding | Gives loadshedding statistics |
Extra generic just the way you like it. more coming soon maybe probably
Name | Description |
clear {amount} | Purges/deletes an amount of messages from the channel |
slowmode {amount} | Puts channel in slowmode with the ammount as an interval |
kick {user} {reason} | Kicks the user obviously |
ban {user} {reason} | Bans the user obviously |
softban {user} {reason} | Bans and unbans the user, so their messages are deleted |
giverole {user} {role} | Gives the user a role |
removerole {user} {role} | Removes a role from a user |
Low effort "text encryption" thing made for fun
Name | Description | Usage |
encrypt (e) | Encrypts plaintext to specrypt | specrypt e Hello world! |
decrypt (d) | Decrypts specrypted text into plaintext | specrypt d Tqxx{,c{~xp- |
Other boring generic commands
Name | Description |
ping | Super smexy ping command. Calculates average ping |
invite | Sends the link that allows you to add Spectrum to your server |
server / support | Sends you to Spectrix's super cool server!!! |
help | Sends your here. You should know that tho |
A smart-enough chat bot, made completely by me
Name | Description |
@Spectrum#4109 {input} | Mention the bot to chat to it! The input must not be a command (anything below) |
Author & Lisence
👤 SpectrixDev
📜 Using lisence GNU General Public License v3.0
🤝 Contributing
Open a pull req or go to the issues page and I'll have a look lol
Show your support
Gimme a ⭐️ or vote for the bot on top.gg