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KERNEL.HASWELL file missing?
Macbook Air M2
Ubuntu 20.04 Docker
I was trying to build dependencies by running
CC=clang-12 CXX=clang++-12 WITH_OPENGL=OFF BUILD_VISUALIZATIONS=OFF ./scripts/build.sh
and I got the following error:
-- Reading vars from /HybVIO/3rdparty/mobile-cv-suite/OpenBLAS/kernel/arm64/KERNEL.HASWELL...
CMake Error at cmake/utils.cmake:20 (file):
file STRINGS file
cannot be read.
Call Stack (most recent call first):
kernel/CMakeLists.txt:16 (ParseMakefileVars)
kernel/CMakeLists.txt:863 (build_core)
I have looked in the 3rdparty/mobile-cv-suite/OpenBLAS/kernel/arm64/ directory and there was no KERNEL.HASWELL in the directory.
We are not planning to add support for new devices or architectures in this repository.
However, if you want to take a shot at fixing the build for the new Mac, this is probably a good place to start: https://github.com/AaltoML/mobile-cv-suite/blob/da7c2aea38dcb4085ef10e7414c8b96e2bbcc85f/scripts/components/openblas.sh#L4
Note that the 3rdparty dependencies of this codebase are (mostly) included through this separate project & repository https://github.com/AaltoML/mobile-cv-suite
I changed this to armv8 for the raspberrypi4 per the openblas documentation however the compilation fails. I know the team demonstrated this on the pi but it would be useful to have some additional help on the exact steps you took.
For some reason, it's trying to build for x86_64. If you force the platform VORTEX instead of HASWELL everywhere, you get a lot further. you also have to update a bunch of submodules!