SpeckyBot icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
SpeckyBot copied to clipboard

A somewhat dead discord bot.


SpeckyBot is dead

SpeckyBot didn't got updated for a while, and the required intents aren't provided anymore my Discord. Now it's deprecated and there is no reason to use this project.
Will it ever be revived?
No, but I may create another bot in Rust.

SpeckyBot is an open-source Discord Bot which allows to be totally customizable for developers!

NOTE: being open-source, doesn't mean that you're legally allowed to pubblish this Discord Bot without permission. If you want to discuss any details, join the Discord Server. Be sure to invite the original SpeckyBot!



  • coded automatic folder loading system (botfunctions, commands, console, events, handlers/loader, prototypes)
  • made console commands possible
  • coded most of the commands and events
  • wrote the README


  • coded the base for the economy system


  • coded banuser & unbanuser commands


  • added subcategories to the srprofile command

You can donate by clicking on this text

How to successfully run your own instance of the bot?

  1. Create a Discord Bot Application
  2. Download or clone this repository
  3. Download all NPM dependencies inside the SpeckyBot folder npm i
  4. Execute run.bat and close it once you get an error
  5. Enter private informations in the config.json file (bot token, prefix, etc.)
  6. Execute run.bat once again and you should be done!

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Help us having a better code!

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