SpecFlow copied to clipboard
Double execution with xUnit using Test Explorer
SpecFlow Version
Which test runner are you using?
Test Runner Version Number
.NET Implementation
.NET 5.0
Project Format of the SpecFlow project
Classic project format using <PackageReference>
.feature.cs files are generated using
SpecFlow.Tools.MsBuild.Generation NuGet package
Test Execution Method
Visual Studio Test Explorer
SpecFlow Section in app.config or content of specflow.json
Issue Description
When the test project is executed using Test Explorer, each and every test is executed twice.
Immediately after Test Explorer shows complete execution, in the background, the test is executed a 2nd time.
Steps to Reproduce
Using the VS template & the calculate example, update GivenTheFirstNumberIs(...)
with the following code
using var stream = File.CreateText($"C:\\some-directory\\test-{DateTime.Now.Ticks}.txt");
And remove all the throw new PendingStepException
Click Run all test in view
in Test Explorer
Expected Behavior:
- one single file is created
Actual Behavior:
- two files are created (2nd file is created within 3-5 seconds after 1st)
Link to Repro Project
No response
Update: If there are multiple test cases defined and you selected to run just one test case from the Test Explorer. Upon completing the test case, all of them are executed in the background.
Please try to create a project where we can reproduce this issue. There has to be something in the project what causing this. I am 99% sure the double execution of a test isn't SpecFlow fault.
@SabotageAndi I actually created a new project from scratch using the VS extension template.
in which VS version?
2022 Version 17.1.0
I followed your step but I couldn't reproduce this. Please put somewhere a project where you can reproduce this issue.
The sample project can be found on https://github.com/mocsharp/specflow2560
I have updated Steps to reproduce
section to use Test Explorer to run the test.
@mocsharp I still can't reproduce it. I am using the latest version of VS 2022. Just to check, do you have live unit testing enabled?
No, I don't. I'm using the latest version of VS Community which doesn't have the live unit test feature.
Microsoft Visual Studio Community 2022 (64-bit) - Current
Version 17.1.0
I experienced exact same behavior.
Might worth mentioning that running test using cli dotnet test
run once as expected (only call once).
Additionally, I added Unit Test, project and it have the same issue; I use different solution without Specflow project also resulting the same. I think this is an issue from the Test Explorer runner itself ; not specific to Specflow