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Maximum Workflow Age doesn't work due to Process Workflows updating the workflow's Modified Date Time
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V13 added the ability to auto-complete workflows of a certain age, but the way it checks is by comparing against the workflow's Modified Date Time: The problem is that the Process Workflows job updates the workflow's ModifiedDateTime every time it runs, so a workflow will never be auto-completed.
One solution could be to target the ActivatedDateTime instead.
Steps to Reproduce
- Go to the demo site
- Update the External Inquiry workflow type to automatically persist
- Use the Workflow Entry page to create a workflow
- Use sql to update the workflow's Activated, Modified, and Created DateTime properties to be a year old.
- Run the Process Workflows job
- Note that the ModifiedDateTime on the workflow has been updated
- Set the maximum age on the workflow type to 4 days
- Run the RockCleanup job
Expected behavior:
The workflow, at this point now a year old, should be completed.
Actual behavior:
The workflow remains active since it was 'recently modified'.
- Rock Version: 13.4
- Client Culture Setting: EN-US