BuildingDetectors copied to clipboard
Winning building footprint detector implementations from the SpaceNet challenges.
After Training the model and using the to generate numpy arrays for predictions of building locations, how do I translate this back to a GeoJson file or a Csv...
Hey, I am unable to download building round-1 dataset. Here is the error that I am receiving: For a command like this: `sudo aws s3 cp --recursive s3://spacenet-dataset/SpaceNet_Buildings_Dataset_Round1/spacenet_TrainData/ .` I...
您好,我最近在尝试用Spacenet数据集重复您的项目,但是有两个问题想向您请教: 1、我下载的上海的数据集AOI_4_Shanghai_Train.tar.gz解压缩后4个文件夹里的tif图片全是黑的,请问这样正常么,各个文件夹里图片是做什么用的,需要用什么软件打开或者处理才能看到拍摄出来的包括树木和建筑的图片; 2、AOI_4_Shanghai_Train.tar.gz解压缩后的geojson文件在训练过程中怎么使用? 期待您的回复,非常感谢!