PermissionsBukkit copied to clipboard
Block interact permission
Block interaction should have its own permission node.
Oh and don't forget to register it in the plugin.yml like I did.
I vote for this one. Very annoying having non-builders unable to interact.
I've been playing around with this on my server.
It would seem that when permissions.interact is false you can't build even if is true.
To make the interact permission work as you'd (well, I) expect it to you would have to modify the function to check event.getClickedBlock() against levers, buttons, pressure plates, fence gates, wooden doors, iron doors, trap doors, furnances, chests, crafting tables and anything else I missed. Which is way more than I think PermissionsBukkit should be doing. Updated plugin.yml permissions.interact: description: Allows player to interact when build is false. default: false Only cancel interaction event if both build and interact are false supersede permissions.interact This new node default to false, thus it will not interfere with existing configuration and settings