OSRSUpdater copied to clipboard
A simple (and outdated) Old-School RuneScape decompiler/deobfuscator. Performs field and method analysis which uses ASM and bytecode patterns for identification. Identified fields could be used for cr...
A hook updater for OSRS which uses bytecode patterns and ASM for identification.
Probably no longer works, but could be a good resource for someone trying to learn.
Credits: Kevboi
Example Log:
(which is quite old, it now has deobfuscation etc)
Starting OSRS Updater.
Finished loading 230 classes in 671ms from: gamepack#103.jar
Stored 1113 multipliers
[- Node identified as: gj extends Object -](3/3)
[> 'getNext()' identified as 'gj.eo' -] (Lgj;)
[> 'getPrevious()' identified as 'gj.ee' -] (Lgj;)
[> 'getHash()' identified as 'gj.ec' -] (J)
[- CacheableNode identified as: gt extends gj -](2/2)
[> 'getNext()' identified as 'gt.ci' -] (Lgt;)
[> 'getPrevious()' identified as 'gt.cp' -] (Lgt;)
[- HashTable identified as: gy extends Object -](1/1)
[> 'getCache()' identified as 'gy.p' -] ([Lgj;)
[- LinkedList identified as: gl extends Object -](2/2)
[> 'getHead()' identified as 'gl.d' -] (Lgj;)
[> 'getCurrent()' identified as 'gl.p' -] (Lgj;)
[- Queue identified as: gw extends Object -](1/1)
[> 'getCacheableNode()' identified as 'gw.d' -] (Lgt;)
[- Cache identified as: gu extends Object -](4/5)
[> 'getHashTable()' identified as 'gu.l' -] (Lgy;)
[> 'getEmptyCacheableNode()' identified as 'gu.d' -] (Lgt;)
[> 'getRemaining()' identified as 'gu.p' -] (I) [ * 1 ]
[> 'getSize()' identified as 'gu.v' -] (I) [ * 1 ]
[- Renderable identified as: ch extends gt -](1/1)
[> 'getModelHeight()' identified as 'ch.cf' -] (I) [ * 1812947537 ]
[- CollisionData identified as: dl extends Object -](1/3)
[> 'getFlags()' identified as 'dl.aj' -] ([[I)
[- Actor identified as: aj extends ch -](9/19)
[> 'isAnimating()' identified as 'aj.al' -] (Z)
[> 'getSpokenText()' identified as 'aj.ac' -] (LString;)
[> 'getGridX()' identified as 'aj.ax' -] (I) [ * -2013728192 ]
[> 'getGridY()' identified as 'aj.bx' -] (I) [ * 2137051008 ]
[> 'getHitsplatsDamage()' identified as 'aj.ay' -] ([I)
[> 'getHitsplatsTypes()' identified as 'aj.ag' -] ([I)
[> 'getMaxHealth' identified as 'aj.bi' -] (I) [ * -1324479051 ]
[> 'getGameCycle()' identified as 'client.r' -] (I) [ * -1040073859 ]
[> 'getLoopCycle()' identified as 'aj.bs' -] (I) [ * -1158366777 ]
[- Projectile identified as: u extends ch -](3/3)
[> 'getProjectileComposite()' identified as 'u.s' -] (Laf;)
[> 'isMoving()' identified as 'u.m' -] (Z)
[> 'getDuration()' identified as 'u.g' -] (I) [ * -46564401 ]
[- ProjectileComposite identified as: af extends gt -](1/1)
[> 'isMoving()' identified as 'af.m' -] (Z)
[- Item identified as: ak extends ch -](2/2)
[> 'getId()' identified as 'ak.d' -] (I) [ * -848428919 ]
[> 'getStackSize()' identified as 'ak.p' -] (I) [ * 1308808435 ]
[- ItemComposite identified as: at extends gt -](5/5)
[> 'getStackIds()' identified as 'at.f' -] (I) [ * 1303294175 ]
[> 'getName()' identified as 'at.k' -] (LString;)
[> 'isMember()' identified as 'at.ae' -] (Z)
[> 'getActions()' identified as 'at.ak' -] ([LString;)
[> 'getGroundActions()' identified as 'at.ao' -] ([LString;)
[- Model identified as: dn extends ch -](6/6)
[> 'getVerticesX()' identified as 'dn.w' -] ([I)
[> 'getVerticesY()' identified as 'dn.u' -] ([I)
[> 'getVerticesZ()' identified as 'dn.a' -] ([I)
[> 'getIndicesX()' identified as 'dn.b' -] ([I)
[> 'getIndicesY()' identified as 'dn.o' -] ([I)
[> 'getIndicesZ()' identified as 'dn.m' -] ([I)
[- GameObject identified as: ct extends Object -](2/2)
[> 'getRenderable()' identified as 'ct.y' -] (Lch;)
[> 'getId()' identified as 'ct.x' -] (I) [ * 714123667 ]
[- GameObjectComposite identified as: ac extends gt -](4/4)
[> 'getName()' identified as 'ac.m' -] (LString;)
[> 'getActions()' identified as 'ac.ak' -] ([LString;)
[> 'getWidth()' identified as 'ac.z' -] (I) [ * -1976023901 ]
[> 'getHeight()' identified as 'ac.t' -] (I) [ * 1162660975 ]
[- Player identified as: v extends aj -](7/7)
[> 'getName()' identified as 'v.w' -] ([LString;)
[> 'getModel()' identified as 'v.n' -] (Ldn;)
[> 'getPlayerComposite()' identified as 'v.p' -] (Lfz;)
[> 'isVisible()' identified as 'v.i' -] (Z)
[> 'getCombatLevel()' identified as 'v.u' -] (I) [ * 1614853309 ]
[> 'getSkullIcon()' identified as 'v.o' -] (I) [ * 959962901 ]
[> 'getPrayerIcon()' identified as 'v.v' -] (I) [ * 1744423653 ]
[- PlayerComposite identified as: fz extends Object -](2/2)
[> 'getEquipment()' identified as 'fz.p' -] ([I)
[> 'isFemale()' identified as 'fz.v' -] (Z)
[- Npc identified as: aw extends aj -](1/1)
[> 'getComposite()' identified as 'aw.d' -] (Lar;)
[- NpcComposite identified as: ar extends gt -](4/4)
[> 'getActions()' identified as 'ar.q' -] ([LString;)
[> 'getName()' identified as 'ar.w' -] (LString;)
[> 'getId()' identified as 'ar.y' -] (I) [ * -2095462435 ]
[> 'getModelIds()' identified as 'ar.al' -] ([I)
[- Widget identified as: fg extends gj -](21/26)
[> 'getIndex()' identified as 'fg.ao' -] (I) [ * 1645211541 ]
[> 'getName()' identified as 'fg.cl' -] (LString;)
[> 'getItemStackSize()' identified as 'fg.eg' -] (I) [ * 1393082105 ]
[> 'getItemId()' identified as 'fg.ey' -] (I) [ * 813479615 ]
[> 'getScrollX()' identified as 'fg.ad' -] (I) [ * -352661099 ]
[> 'getScrollY()' identified as 'fg.aw' -] (I) [ * -1602694527 ]
[> 'getSlotStackSizes()' identified as 'fg.dr' -] ([I)
[> 'isHidden()' identified as 'fg.az' -] (Z)
[> 'getId()' identified as 'fg.x' -] (I) [ * -1536575275 ]
[> 'getActions()' identified as 'fg.ch' -] ([LString;)
[> 'getParentId()' identified as 'fg.ba' -] (I) [ * 686060225 ]
[> 'getBorderThickness()' identified as 'fg.an' -] (I) [ * -357503007 ]
[> 'getTextureId()' identified as 'fg.au' -] (I) [ * -131734905 ]
[> 'getType()' identified as 'fg.n' -] (I) [ * -1305917269 ]
[> 'getText()' identified as 'fg.cl' -] (LString;)
[> 'getHeight()' identified as 'fg.f' -] (I) [ * 507570867 ]
[> 'getWidth()' identified as 'fg.g' -] (I) [ * 124195285 ]
[> 'getSlotContentIds()' identified as 'fg.da' -] ([I)
[> 'getChildren()' identified as 'fg.ez' -] ([Lfg;)
[> 'getParent()' identified as 'fg.cc' -] (Lfg;)
[> 'getOpcodes()' identified as 'fg.dg' -] ([[I)
[- WidgetNode identified as: d extends gj -](1/1)
[> 'getId()' identified as 'd.l' -] (I) [ * 1518911111 ]
[- Region identified as: cc extends Object -](3/3)
[> 'getGameObjects()' identified as 'cc.e' -] ([Lct;)
[> 'getGameObjectCache()' identified as 'cc.al' -] ([Lct;)
[> 'getTiles()' identified as 'cc.w' -] ([[[Lcy;)
[- WallObject identified as: cq extends Object -](3/3)
[> 'getRenderable()' identified as 'cq.w' -] (Lch;)
[> 'getRenderable2()' identified as 'cq.u' -] (Lch;)
[> 'getId()' identified as 'cq.a' -] (I) [ * 785572969 ]
[- FloorObject identified as: cb extends Object -](2/2)
[> 'getRenderable()' identified as 'cb.l' -] (Lch;)
[> 'getId()' identified as 'cb.y' -] (I) [ * 827739875 ]
[- Tile identified as: cy extends gj -](6/6)
[> 'getGameObjects()' identified as 'cy.m' -] ([Lct;)
[> 'getWallDecoration()' identified as 'cy.u' -] (Lcq;)
[> 'getFloorDecoration()' identified as 'cy.e' -] (Lcb;)
[> 'getPlane()' identified as 'cy.d' -] (I) [ * -1839515449 ]
[> 'getX()' identified as 'cy.p' -] (I) [ * 1489288579 ]
[> 'getY()' identified as 'cy.v' -] (I) [ * -648052847 ]
[- Client identified as: client extends ea -](26/40)
[> 'getWidgetNode()' identified as 'client.io' -] (Lgy;)
[> 'getNpcs()' identified as 'client.cv' -] ([Law;)
[> 'getPlayers()' identified as 'client.gi' -] ([Lv;)
[> 'getGroundItems()' identified as 'client.hd' -] ([[[Lgl;)
[> 'getProjectiles()' identified as 'client.hn' -] (Lgl;)
[> 'getCollisionMaps()' identified as 'client.w' -] ([Ldl;)
[> 'isItemSelected()' identified as 'client.o' -] (Z)
[> 'getCompassAngle()' identified as 'client.ei' -] (I) [ * -1718342721 ]
[> 'getRegion()' identified as 'l.dj' -] (Lcc;)
[> 'getBaseX()' identified as 'dy.a' -] ([I)
[> 'getTileHeights()' identified as 'w.d' -] ([[[I)
[> 'getPlane()' identified as 'l.gb' -] (I) [ * -747958745 ]
[> 'getSettings()' identified as 'client.m' -] ([I)
[> 'getWidgetPositionsY()' identified as 'client.lo' -] ([I)
[> 'getWidgetPositionsX()' identified as 'client.lt' -] ([I)
[> 'getSelectedItemName()' identified as 'client.it' -] (LString;)
[> 'getSkillLevelArray()' identified as 'client.lt' -] ([I)
[> 'getRealSkillLevelArray()' identified as 'client.hb' -] ([I)
[> 'getSkillExpArray()' identified as 'client.hz' -] ([I)
[> 'getMenuOptionCount()' identified as 'client.hq' -] (I) [ * 1768430155 ]
[> 'getCameraPitch()' identified as 'ek.fo' -] (I) [ * 1162853107 ]
[> 'getCameraYaw()' identified as 'eh.fs' -] (I) [ * -210812059 ]
[> 'getTileBytes()' identified as 'w.p' -] ([[[
[> 'getPlayerSettings()' identified as 'fy.v' -] ([I)
[> 'getLocalPlayer()' identified as 'el.hw' -] (Lv;)
[> 'getWidgets()' identified as 'fg.d' -] ([[Lfg;)
[> Method 'getItemComposite()' identified as 'z.d' -] ((IB)Lat;)
[> Method 'getObjectComposite()' identified as 'r.p' -] ((II)Lac;)
[- Mouse identified as: eu extends Object -](0/0)
[- Keyboard identified as: ep extends Object -](0/0)
Identified 123/155 fields
Identified 29/29 classes
Also, identified 2 methods
Finished analyzing in 2568 ms