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A SA:MP UI library for rendering progress bars used to visualise all manner of data from health to a countdown timer.
A SA:MP UI library for rendering progress bars used to visualise all manner of data from health to a countdown timer.
Library originally written by Flávio Toribio, Now maintained by Southclaws in version 2+ with new features.
Simply install to your project:
sampctl package install Southclaws/progress2
Include in your code and begin using the library:
#include <progress2>
:- Defaults to the textdraw limit divided by 3.
:- Invalid return value for interface functions.
:- Invalid bar ID value.
:- Bar direction left-to-right
:- Bar direction right-to-left
:- Bar direction bottom to top
:- Bar direction top to bottom
- Bar direction left to right and starts from 0.0 in case min_value and max_value have different signs.
- Bar direction down to up and starts from 0.0 in case min_value and max_value have different signs.
PlayerBar:CreatePlayerProgressBar(playerid, Float:x, Float:y, Float:width = 55.5, Float:height = 3.2, colour, Float:max = 100.0, direction = BAR_DIRECTION_RIGHT)
:- Creates a progress bar for a player.
DestroyPlayerProgressBar(playerid, PlayerBar:barid)
:- Destroys a player's progress bar.
ShowPlayerProgressBar(playerid, PlayerBar:barid)
:- Shows a player's progress bar to them.
HidePlayerProgressBar(playerid, PlayerBar:barid)
:- Hides a player's progress bar from them.
IsValidPlayerProgressBar(playerid, PlayerBar:barid)
:- Returns true if the input bar ID is valid and exists.
GetPlayerProgressBarPos(playerid, PlayerBar:barid, &Float:x, &Float:y)
:- Returns the on-screen position of the specified progress bar.
SetPlayerProgressBarPos(playerid, PlayerBar:barid, Float:x, Float:y)
:- Updates the position for a progress bar and re-renders it.
Float:GetPlayerProgressBarWidth(playerid, PlayerBar:barid)
:- Returns the width of a progress bar.
SetPlayerProgressBarWidth(playerid, PlayerBar:barid, Float:width)
:- Updates the width of a progress bar and re-renders it.
Float:GetPlayerProgressBarHeight(playerid, PlayerBar:barid)
:- Returns the height of a progress bar.
SetPlayerProgressBarHeight(playerid, PlayerBar:barid, Float:height)
:- Updates the height of a progress bar and re-renders it.
GetPlayerProgressBarColour(playerid, PlayerBar:barid)
:- Returns the colour of a progress bar.
SetPlayerProgressBarColour(playerid, PlayerBar:barid, colour)
:- Sets the colour of a progress bar.
Float:GetPlayerProgressBarMinValue(playerid, PlayerBar:barid)
- Returns the minumum value of a progress bar.
SetPlayerProgressBarMinValue(playerid, PlayerBar:barid, Float:min_value)
- Sets the minumum value that a progress bar represents.
Float:GetPlayerProgressBarMaxValue(playerid, PlayerBar:barid)
:- Returns the maximum value of a progress bar.
SetPlayerProgressBarMaxValue(playerid, PlayerBar:barid, Float:max)
:- Sets the maximum value that a progress bar represents.
Float:GetPlayerProgressBarValue(playerid, PlayerBar:barid)
:- Returns the value a progress bar represents.
SetPlayerProgressBarValue(playerid, PlayerBar:barid, Float:value)
:- Sets the value a progress bar represents.
progressbar_direction:GetPlayerProgressBarDirection(playerid, PlayerBar:barid)
:- Returns the direction of a progress bar.
SetPlayerProgressBarDirection(playerid, PlayerBar:barid, progressbar_direction:direction)
:- Updates the direction for a progress bar and re-renders it.
GetPlayerProgressBarPadding(playerid, PlayerBar:barid, &Float:padding_x, &Float:padding_y)
- Receives current padding for both dimensions.
SetPlayerProgressBarPadding(playerid, PlayerBar:barid, Float:padding_x, Float:padding_y)
- Updates current padding for both dimensions.
_RenderBar(playerid, barid)
:- Renders a valid bar on-screen using it's current properties. Called on creation and whenever position, width or height are updated.
:- When y_iterate is used, initialises iterators.
:- To automatically destroy bars when a player disconnects.
To test, simply run the package:
sampctl package run
And connect to localhost:7777
to test.